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I miss gearscore


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I watch the youtube videos, I have 400+ ap, I have never been able to PUG lab, or even BSH, because people just give up. Like mid boss fight on the first try, just leave party. Is vote-to-kick an option? No, and maybe it shouldn't be. That's not what this post is about. People are selfish. They want to get it on the first go, or they're "wasting their time." Zero tolerance for any screw up. Whatever, I get it.


I remember RIFT had a gearscore system where you'd have to have a certain level of gear before you could even queue a dungeon. I wish BnS would do that. Maybe it'd curb some of this vapid elitism.

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In order to get a more decent party for those dungeons I suggest using the " party registration" menu on left side of the screen after you've entered in Cross-Server (F8). I stopped pugging with LFP after 2 failed attempts of Naryu with people who were with 330 AP and 400 crit damage stats.

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Additionally, the early dungeons could temporarily nerf the gear of high level players (while in the dungeon) so that they don't completely steamroll low level dungeons. For example, the max weapon for Tomb of Exile could be Awakened Infernal level 5 and anything above that would get scaled down to that level of power.


Three man dungeon lobby LFP size for green dungeons would be nice too. 6-man seems too much for the green dungeons I've done with LFP before.

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