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Blade And Soul Video Fps Fix?

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this video does not help with anything. 


1st of all everything in the Boot menu in MSconfig is for troubleshooting. by default after your kernel has been loaded all your cores and memory is used anyway. forcing it to do the same as it would normally do or to use less has nothing to do with how your computer runs when fully in the operating system. 


and the last this the guy says in the video makes me wanna drive to his house and slap the silly out of him. it should state that its quite obvious NCsoft should be spending more time worrying about player being able to play there game and less time worrying about 15 dollar costumes, recurring subs, and new content that runs like crap.

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 Well im sorry to hear that you dont run the game well as i dont see how that would be ncsoft's problem. i run the game at around 121fps with only drops of 40 when i do blackwyrn. i run the game with no problems and if you having issues then maybe you need to go buy a new pc or update your POTATOE!

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3 hours ago, solscorpion said:

 Well im sorry to hear that you dont run the game well as i dont see how that would be ncsoft's problem. i run the game at around 121fps with only drops of 40 when i do blackwyrn. i run the game with no problems and if you having issues then maybe you need to go buy a new pc or update your POTATOE!

imma let that slide because its quite obvious you have absolutely no A+ certification or education on how computers work seeing you posted this video. but all you need to do is look up BnS performance to get a pretty good idea that people having issues are not running potatoes. 


as a matter of fact a new stock pc on the market right now would be a huge downgrade from my 4 year old custom potato so there is that too. and its not the age of my hardware either, the game is older than that.

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Maybe you missed this part where it says...   Try this maybe it would help some of you with fps issues. this dont work for everyone but give it a try...

lol anyone can be anything they want on the internet mr A+ let me see what your running post your computer specs im so dieing to see them...

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im not wasting my time posting my specs, ive already done that hundreds of times dealing with customer support and on these forums, if your really interested go through my profile and find them yourself.


yes believe it or not im A+ certified and have been educated in MSDOS, linux and windows operations. i happen to know that messing with your boot setting is not gonna do anything just like i know setting threaded optimization to an OpenGL setting does nothing in a Dx game. and that's another common fix on the internet.


im more curious on why a guy with no issues is posting fixes. i mean being ignorant is fine, esp if you don't have issues, but being ignorant and pretending you have the answers is kinda crossing the line.

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lmfao im ignorant?   the guy says in the video makes me wanna drive to his house and slap the silly out of him this is not? do your self a favor if my thread didnt help then stop posting. i made the post because not alot of people are aware of that feature let alone its set to 1 by default and the games do not utilize all the cores so buy unparking them it helps stutter/freeze for most people. like i said if it didnt help you then stop ranting and move on. i post because i enjoy trying to help fellow gamers that play a game i enjoy in anyway i can instead of blaming everything on the game company or sitting and posting rubish like you.. like i said i have 0000000 issues running the game and any knowledge i have and use i spread it...got it mr keyboard warrior?

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1 hour ago, solscorpion said:

 Well im sorry to hear that you dont run the game well as i dont see how that would be ncsoft's problem. i run the game at around 121fps with only drops of 40 when i do blackwyrn. i run the game with no problems and if you having issues then maybe you need to go buy a new pc or update your POTATOE!


Just saying but.... There are people with an i7-4790k and a GTX 980 TI... And they too have quite a number of problems. Do they also have to buy a new PC/"upgrade" it?


EDIT: Oh oh, I forgot to mention the 32 GB DDR4 2.3k MhZ RAM and the SSD. My bad.

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you two dopes make me laugh..plz..  I forgot to mention the 32 GB DDR4 2.3k MhZ RAM and the SSD. My bad. hahahh whats this? what like i dont own better?


i7 5820k

64gb ram 2.4k mhz

gtx 980ti x2 overclocked

1TB ssdx2

asus 30inch 1920x1080p 144hz x2  <---------this is just the stream pc should i toss in the gaming rig's?       above is weak.....

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3 hours ago, solscorpion said:

lmfao im ignorant?   the guy says in the video makes me wanna drive to his house and slap the silly out of him this is not? do your self a favor if my thread didnt help then stop posting. i made the post because not alot of people are aware of that feature let alone its set to 1 by default and the games do not utilize all the cores so buy unparking them it helps stutter/freeze for most people. like i said if it didnt help you then stop ranting and move on. i post because i enjoy trying to help fellow gamers that play a game i enjoy in anyway i can instead of blaming everything on the game company or sitting and posting rubish like you.. like i said i have 0000000 issues running the game and any knowledge i have and use i spread it...got it mr keyboard warrior?

yes you are ignorant on the topic. and no its not defaulted at one, by default all of your core and memory are use ON BOOT after the kernel is loaded. 


tell me how telling the pc to do exactly what it would normally do during a boot change how the game runs and i will deem you a computer god.


you made that video didn't you lmfao. 


unparking is completely different that's disabling a windows feature. and running your cores at full blast 24/7 is not exactly healthy either. but my cores are unparked.


i can play new games on ultra and my rig was built with price being a factor. you people that just slap expensive hardware together and brag make me laugh honestly. 

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25 minutes ago, Vau said:

i can play new games on ultra and my rig was built with price being a factor. you people that just slap expensive hardware together and brag make me laugh honestly. 


yet you have issues running a game thats from 2010....troll another thread

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2 hours ago, solscorpion said:


yet you have issues running a game thats from 2010....troll another thread

as do many other people, your trolling yourself. 


i want to slap the guy for the it must be your hardware mentality. because that mentality for 99% of the people playing is just simply false.


seriously congrats on your no issues bro. i had no issues in wildstar and that game died because a lot of people could not play it. i guess you could say i was ignorant to that games problems until i ran out of people to play with. to bad they didn't spend 3000 dollars on there PC's lmfao :/


and seeing you always like to end things on a sour note....


stop posting garbage plz. goodnight!

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49 minutes ago, solscorpion said:

you two dopes make me laugh..plz..  I forgot to mention the 32 GB DDR4 2.3k MhZ RAM and the SSD. My bad. hahahh whats this? what like i dont own better?


i7 5820k

64gb ram 2.4k mhz

gtx 980ti x2 overclocked

1TB ssdx2

asus 30inch 1920x1080p 144hz x2  <---------this is just the stream pc should i toss in the gaming rig's?       above is weak.....

The game is from 2010. It was in development for even longer. The used engine is from 2007.

Even someone with only half the power of what I mentioned should be able to run this game properly at ALL settings on at least 30 FPS, even when shit is going down during Blackwyrm.

But I bet you already know this, don't you? I mean you even mentioned that this game is from 2010 yourself....

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Yes, it is safe. All that "unparking" does is disables Windows from using its own management to control when each core is made available for use. It will have no negative impact on your cpu since they are designed to use 4 cores simultaneously by design.

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never said it was not safe, disabling turns off power saving features and makes the cores run at full speed at all times, which can reduce the life of the hardware. its the operating systems version of C states or Speedstep.


im glad to see your looking stuff up now though, never just believe everything you here. :)


i hope one day somebody can make a game or application that will actually use your hardware though lol. it would be a shame if it died before you got the chance to actually use it to its potential 


64 gigs of ram lol, the client can only use 4, even 64 bit programs struggle to use 8

2 TB SSD PFFFFFFFT you got some cash. how many games you play at a time like 400? serious question.

SLI is never needed, and buggy. but cool i guess if you have the cash.


my 1 960 is hardly used by BnS. sits at around 20% utilization. and i'm pretty sure its not even using your second card for anything.


you see when you have a family, and cant just throw money at something and have to compromise. you will lose your everyone runs potatoes attitude and realize that you don't need to throw money at something to make a decent rig.  

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Haha poor Vau you must be upset you play blade and soul with so many issues wile i can sit here and play issue free...and ya i have money unlike you sitting on a forums trolling all day. it seems thats all you do from reading your past comments just sit in the forums and cry...just stop posting simple as that i mean sitting here telling me about a bunch of bullshit i could careless about is not going to solve your issues! stop blaming ncsoft for your shity equipment blame your self is what you need to do. like i said if the video didnt help you then move on no need to sit here like a 16 year old and play keyboard warrior with me!

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you are most certainly are dense. 


your sitting on the forums as well. 


my hardware does not suck, your attitude does, dont worry one day your testies will sprout some hair.


this all started because you are ignorant, and since the start of this conversation you still are. your like a child who just does not know when to shut up and realize he is wrong.


go play Bns seeing you can without issues. and stop stalking me lmfao. im at work and have plenty of time to stalk forums. i have an excuse you don't.


i didn't think you would actually cyber stalk my profile looking for my PC specs lmfao. you have made my day.


i still go home to my wife and kids and live a happy life while you sit at your computer in your moms house. my life is not ending because i cant play one game out of all the choices out there. its a bummer sure, but whatever. 


ncsoft needs to optimize this game, it is Bloodlusts and NCsofts fault for releasing it in this state. you read the recommended system requirements.

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HAHA wow nice try nerd! you are the most salty person i have seen on these forums...i mean the people that got banned for hacking and glitching dont *cricket* as much as you do thats the funny part.. who cares about you your wife or kid this post was intended for people who are looking for an increase of performance for the game. stop acting like this is twitter or facebook nerd...


i still go home to my wife and kids and live a happy life while you sit at your computer in your moms house. my life is not ending because i cant play one game out of all the choices out there. its a bummer sure, but whatever. 


hahahahah ya you sure are one of them stero types that assumes playing keyboard warrior with some other idiot on the internet does not have a life is funny!

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you seem to keep trying to attack me however you really don't even have a leg to stand on and that's the funny part.


i guess i should ROFL and such too?. i've done nothing but attempt to educate you a little on the subject and all you have to say is buy a new pc and your a nerd for knowing what your talking about. and my rig must suck. 


you have done nothing but try and debunk me by attacking everything i have said and saying you don't care. 


i stated that being ignorant is fine, esp if you don't have the problem or are not interested. being ignorant and acting the way you do however ticks me off. if someone knows more about something than me i don't get pissy and attack them. i learn from them and pay them to do shit i don't know how to do. that's kinda how the world goes round. i also dont rub my assets in there face, because they don't give a shit. your buy a new PC advice is like trading in a lambo for a corolla just because its a few years old for a lot of system builders. we did not spend all that money to have to replace it right away. the hardware out now is not significantly better than the stuff that's been out. 


and yah the fact this game runs bad ticks me off a little. but it ticks a lot of other people off too.


if knowing my stuff makes me salty than whatever. i can deal with salty. im just saving some people some time. dont change your boot settings, your computer boots fine by itself.


if you can run a modern game fine, don't waste money on your pc for this game. its not your pc's fault.




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you a funny guy Vau not once did i state in the video to buy a new computer but what it does say is update your computer..if your computer cant handle the game then go play something else. besides you are the one who got aggressive and maybe you think you didnt but im not going to be posting back feeding the troll under the bridge..you still have yet to post any computer spec's to see if the problem is on your end or not. post you computer spec's or don't i mean everyone is wrong at some point in computer tech and im not saying any of use are right or wrong. post your computer spec's so we could see where your issue is if not then best in luck solving your issue "Wink"

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munch munch munch... sorry was eating. you know troll food. i knew you made the video by how offended you got to my personal reaction to it.


but alas you no longer entertain me. and you don't listen anyway so. i've posted my specs before and i don't need someone who thinks a spaceship is required to run this to tell me their opinion. ive actually written quite a few threads on things that do actually help.


im full now. please don't feed me anymore. my stomach might burst. 


sorry the computer science behind your fix says your selling a placebo. i never meant to hurt you. never meant to make you cry :D    

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hold on i need to google some stuff :D


ok ive upgraded this beast to 640k memory recently, it was my dads, he gave it to me when i was around 6. can i run it daddy?


mmm deskmate. so much better than windows imo


im doing this wrong huh... yah im suppose to pretend everything is brand new and top notch huh. im bad at this sorry.  


but seriously i don't want advice from someone who may know how to build computers but has no idea what the settings do that he is recommending other people to play with. its bad mojo. i'm done picking that apart though. im all up for more fun and games if your willing :D 


you did ask for a troll right.



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i so enjoy your reply's as it puts a smile on my face thinking you cant wait to reply to every comment...getting the jitters just sitting there like whats he gonna say next..i know this is not your computer but i have already came the conclusion that it's obvious your computer most likely does not meet the specification to run the game since all you do is beat around the bush on the topic.... what are you affraid of so much that you dont want to post them maybe your specs are shit and just blame ncsoft for your problems..

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