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Need summoner tips


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Hi, i know we are hated, i don't know why. Playing this class made me realize how squishy we are in PvP. People who complain about summoner being op clearly don't know how to play against him, but that's not my problem right now.
I would love to see some guides, i tried to search on google some guides but i can't find any. Everyone say "faceroll and win" , "let your cat win for you" etc.. is not like that. 

So is there anyone who know how to play summoner good? For now my most problems are Blade dancer's because i didn't played the class, and i don't understand how you can CC them. They spin so much...cat's CC are useless (i don't know how to play clearly) vs them. And Destroyers sometimes. 

I would love to see a general pvp build and some strats.. 

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Put up petal storm and resist the sword they throw at you (which is normally their main focus regen), then they can only spin 5 times before they're out of focus.  After that, do what summoners to do to every class...just pin them down with the cat and then spam sunflower to 100-0 them in a few seconds (BD will break out of the first pounce though so you just have to wait for the second one).  And that is why everybody says they're OP.  I can beat summoners on both FM and BD, but on BD, that's mostly summoners that don't have the slightest clue what they're doing.  Once you get into platinum...it's pretty much GG unless they make a mistake that you can capitalize on.

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