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A new rank dynamic idea for 3v3


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So I am a FM in pvp.  Yes, sometimes I do well and yes sometimes I get murdered.  My issue right now is in 3v3.  With the bots, the players who arent great, the unfair match ups (not all the time but still), and those that see their teammate get wrecked and decide to give up it can get pretty difficult to stay at a good rank in 3v3.  Before people dive in and say "you just need a better team", "You just need a better build I have soloed 3 people on my own before" and "Stop complaining this is how it works" understand that not everyone is dealt the same hand in natural talent or class specific pvp ability.  So hear is what I am asking for/suggesting.  A contribution based ranking system.  This would mean that even if you win a match but it's because you died in 3 seconds and your other teammates managed to scrape a win by the skin of their teeth, your rank on your own goes down.  Conversely, if you lose in 3v3 but manage to lets say take down an enemy or two or do considerable damage to an enemy much higher ranked, you have the chance for your rank to increase.  I have had my rank dragged through the mud because of 7 or 8 or 15 (Ive honestly stopped tracking its just depressing) parties that have had one or even 2 bots and I just get mopped.  I just want to see there be a little more consideration in the ranking system so that people who have the skill but maybe not the proper team don't get discouraged in 3v3.  I have had amazing experiences and met awesome people in there but also I have met the other end and I don't want my rank to reflect mistakes that are not my own.  

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And no one would ever interfere to help their allies again, because it'll all be about the damages.

Your best bet's to keep queueing with the same people when you do get a good group until you're past the sh!tfest that is gold (or lower). Things get much better near/in platinum and worse again in diamond because you'll be stuck in the queue for 5+ minutes.

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