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\roll Feature Please


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Is it possible to get this feature put into the game?


The reason I wanted to post this as it would help when you do Guild runs or group runs with friends to see who gets the item. Normally when you do guild runs or runs with friends you do it so you don't have to spent a ton of money and having a rolling feature would help out with confusion on who will get what items.



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I'd argue that on a guild run/run with friends it'd be pretty easy to sort it out in chat.


Generally people will figure out how desperately you want something by how much you bid, in which case they'll probably back off before the price gets ridiculous (unless they're also desperate, then it's 'fair' to give it to the one with the most gold).

Even then, if you do desperately want something, it'd be easier to speak out as well considering its with a group of people you trust.


And if its just odd loot you don't really care about: I'd say as long as you don't try to win everything then you'd probably end the dungeon breaking even anyway, with the same amount of loot you'd get if it was RNG.


Just my two cents.

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13 hours ago, Bagel said:

go play tera c:


Never played Tera and never had the desire to. You could also say, Play WOW and 100 different games that have the roll feature ... lol, but thanks for the feed back on the topic at hand.


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8 hours ago, Pwanda said:

I'd argue that on a guild run/run with friends it'd be pretty easy to sort it out in chat.


Everyone has THOSE PEOPLE in their guild that like to make stuff difficult. I just think it would be a nice feature to add.

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