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Attack Power vs Attack Damage Gems


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We all know that Attack Power is the general better gem to socket, that's why they're usually worth thirty + gold and it makes sense.


But where is the line where Attack Damage is better than Attack Power is the thing? With the Valentine Gem, it's mainly +3 Attack Power, and that's kinda the key.


Other gems, like Orange Pentagon/Hexagonal gems gives you an additional 80/100 additional damage (after a certain condition is met). Would that 80/100 Damage be more DPS than the raw +3 Attack Power?


Since we're on the subject of Attack Power, do we have a scaling of how much does 1 Attack Power scale for? Like is there a raw number that attack power should be converted for damage? 

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Try checking listed dmg range on all your attacks, then remove the 3ap gem and recheck? Additional damage is flat value added to the end result, attack power is added in before w/e the multiplier/scaling is for each individual skill. Give it a little whirl and see for yourself.

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