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How to beat KFM as destro


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I  play KFM and i can tell you,  destroyers are a skill Match up for me. At least in 1600 Elo. Maximun agility only longers 6 sec and our Q/E skills got much more CD so we cant EVADE all day...  and we cant block everything as a BM can,  we just block 1 Hit and counter it(500dmg). Think about yourself, you can almost resist every CC or dmg while spinning which is the 70% of the arena xD.


If you want a hint, try to bait his Q/E and SS somehow and then use your fire spin with the stun talent each 6 hits i think it is. That hurts hard

Other hint is, there is an ani-cancel with your buff, which does INSANE dmg in just 1 stun... you got purple/red aura and hits really fast/hard.  That shit deals like 40% hp in less than 3 sec. Even without stun you can do it.

KFM's dmg is mostly based (at high ELO) in the animation cancel of 3RF,  only active while you are stunned or dazed so, keep that in mind and dont use all your things to scape from stuns/dazes or he will chain CC you when you got all on CD because if he is good/low MS he can takes your HP away easily in that time.


In general the match is usually very long in terms of time. Destroyer's heals are really nice and they resist lot of things as KFM's. You just need to do better than them xD


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