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Tips for counter play thread


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I suck ass at this game and I'm pretty sure a large majority of you do as well so instead of being whiny bitches let's make a thread to help people out

Post counter play suggestions

Mindsets and strategies to do well

Anything at all really

ill be bumping and editing this post to include good tips people agree work

Tips for fighting assassin - 

- Run forward, don't backpedal. Even with invisibility speed buff, a lot of assassins seriously just can't touch you if you're moving away due to lag or whatever

Tips for fighting BD - 

- keep mental tabs on draw stance 40 second cooldown. Yes they have 2 air knock ups but lightning is where they do real damage, and also where they are most vulnerable because they'll lose that burst potential if they spin for defense

Tips for fighting kfm -

- memorize their animations for stuns. They're very stun dependent and will often try to do nothing but stun chain you. Put points into your escapes and iframes. The iframes from trinket/tab will make an inexperienced kfm panic and burn their stuns, and may make an experienced kfm back up or leave them vulnerable for a moment. Use Q and E to dodge tremor, punish why counter spamming with your block break skill. 

Tips for fighting BM -

- A good BM will hardly ever run out of focus, keep that in mind. Many bms will forget that boot kick even exists so feel free to use block / counter / decoy. Try not to attack thoughtlessly. They punish carelessness and will starve you of chi when they decide to place passive/defensive. 

Tips for fighting Summoner -

- Knock out the cat and use single target attacks on the summoner. Try not to let them get close together or you'll suffer from double target frustration. Don't poke them when they have the dandelion out. 

Tips for fighting destroyer -

- Accept your fate, it'll all be over soon (jk I don't have any tips for the rest of the characters feel free to fill in the blanks for us)

All criticism is welcome

 No "wait for 50"s. Waiting is for losers and joining the meta is for quitters 


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