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Soul Shields


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I am playing BD and i'd like to know which soul shields should i get and how to obtain them to easly go in mushin tower (i just reached 45). About gear i have Forgotten Brightstone Lynblade and Awakened Infernal Accesories. If u need more information to help me just write i'll try to answear and i am looking forward to your answers :) .

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you can farm faction insignia x160 which take 2hrs~ for full set and its 1oo% u will obtain the full moonwater soulshield ... i usually advice this for new members in my guilde, blackram is easier if u go with friends to get ur soulshield .... if its me farming soulshield as starting once i reach 45 on alt or sth, i will diffidently go for faction insignia farm and get the moonwater SS, all u need is "/f Anyone farming misty wood insignia ?" and done ...


and tip for that, there's 2 boss spawn when u raid the other faction post, all u need to do is dps each boss to get the drop. if u do high dmg, u will get bundle insignia which is around 3 pieces ... as i said just 2hrs and u farming prestige points kinda too :) 



hope that helps ... gl farming

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i also would like to know, ive got the purple one of poha, 26k hp, but when i see other BD i see them with 30k+ hp, i dont get it, all acc are awakened infernal stage 10, siren belt stage 5, true profane lynblade stage 10.


should i farm the BSH SS to get it fusion with the poha one? or i dont know, im getting kind of dissapointed that i cannot get that hp like others. ive been told that fusing with other ss does not pass de hp, just crit or whatever stat it gives at random, its that true? or it aslo pass some hp as well? >.< im so confuse with all that

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as far as what you should try to get , getting your weapon to atleast true profane is going to help a ton, getting a purple siren belt and a good bracelet will help too.


as far as soul shields a very easy one to get as a stepping stone would be moonwater arena , just spend a few hours in misty woods  to get the insignia's


 regarding the ''best'' set  to get would probably be one of these two sets 

granted i could be wrong so if i am feel free to correct me just dont try to jump my ass haha.

 to maximize your potential crit for pve and raw damage your best sets going to be as follows with the said rolls

1-Bloodshade 2420 hp 160 acc 68 crit - max infuse 114

2-Tower 2540 hp 168 crit 71 def - max infuse 120

3-Bloodshade 2650 hp 175 block 75 crit - max infuse 125

4-Tower 2770 hp 183 acc 78 crit - max infuse 131

5-Bloodshade 3000 hp 199 crit 84 def - max infuse 142

6-Tower 3120 hp 206 def 88 crit - max infuse 147

7-Bloodshade 3230 hp 214 crit 91 eva - max infuse 153

8-Bloodshade 3350 hp 221 crit 94 def OR 4290 hp 221 crit - max infuse 158


if you are looking to do open world pvp or want to tank more and have maximized hp and evasion 

1-Bloodshade 2420 hp 160 acc 68 eva - max infuse 114

2-Bloodshade 4220 hp 71 def - max infuse 120

3-Tower 4400 hp 75 eva - max infuse 125

4-Bloodshade 2770 hp 183 eva 78 acc - max infuse 131

5-Tower 4990 hp 84 eva - max infuse 142

6-Bloodshade 5180 hp 206 acc 88 eva - max infuse 147

7-Tower 5370 hp 91 eva - max infuse 153

8-Bloodshade 3350 hp 221 crit 94 def OR 4290 hp 221 crit - max infuse 15


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