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Kill cowardly assassins as FM ?


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I'm a low gold, and I keep encoutering those trolling assassins : they come, use all their CDs with combos and such, then they run.


When you're finally free of the CC, you got a slow poison on your ass, so you can't actually catch up with the assassin, who just waits up all his CDs from the other side of the map , then redo.


If by any chance you manage to get your own combo, they just disappear and walk around the other side of the map : being slow, you can't get to them before they do (especially with the famous teleport-from-the-other-side-of-the-arena-mega-skill, which has more range than ur bolts).


So, any  useful tips ?

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I just started playing the weekend before launch, so i'm not incredibly experienced. However, I do play assassin at about 1800ish rating. While I will say that assassin has many match-ups that can be difficult to fight, force master is the most difficult class to beat.


Assassins need to constantly engage you to maintain stealth, if they don't they are only stealth for 6 seconds. I've never played force master, but you can never reliably combo one because of the double escape plus 30% ice block/heal.  You have all the tools to counter an assassins kit. You have two different shields that make you resist all projectiles like the tab-swap and shadow dagger assassins use, and constantly freezing us locking our camera and making it literally impossible to attack you. Honestly my best advice for you, is to never hit the assassins counter. All the really good FM's I fight never hit the counter, which is our only last resort escape if back step is down. Also I believe you have an ability called "Impact" that you can spam at the assassin when he is near and knock him out of stealth. Incredibly frustrating. Hope this helps, even if it is a one-sided point of view!

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Learn what they do, and use escapes to mess up their combos, like if they teleport behinde you be alredy ready to press F to escape daze kick or iframe it with q/e etc.


You can break their counter with grab 4, and drain or poke and as soon as they drop hit with your Stun/daze before they get to react.


When they are in stealth use 1 - Impact to knock them out of it. Not sure if its lagg or wath but I need to aim almost 90 degrees ahead of SIN if hes running left or rigth to actually hit with Imapact.

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Hello !!

Actually the assassins don't play cowardly but play very clever from your description, since the assassin is in a HUGE disadvantage against a FM. Try to keep frost stacks all the time, don't spam your buttons like a pianist on that keyboard it won't do you any good. They have a skill (2) where they wave their hands in a black shade, and if you attack them they become invisible which is I believe from memory 9 second cd, so wait for that skill as soon as they finish with the animation continue comboing, or while they use it just use aoe skills like z in ice for instance. Your 1 skill gets them  out of stealth so if you point to their stealth shadow as they move around and press one you can get them out of stealth. if the assassin is running away, catch up to him with Q + E + SS... be creative. If  they use the smoke screen where you can't attack them with projectiles just pick them with 4 and throw them away out of it. I don't play FM but this is knowledge is more than enough to get you going. For further indepth knowledge i suggest you watch www.twitch.tv/maadoshi or www.twitch.tv/bevv_  <- Top NA and EU FMs (absolute beasts).

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