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Why are moderators responding, but to this in this manner.


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The moderators have been quite, NCSoft has been adamantly silent on this forums regarding all issues really, yet when one does show up this is what he does. Good to see where you're priorities are NCSoft. And personally I don't care if this thread gets me in trouble, because I find this beyond unprofessional considering the vast sea of complaint and issue threads. 

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Lol @ the mod.  No posts about lag or hacks instead locks thread and says stop talking about it...


Maybe if we stick our heads in the sand the monster wont eat us.....  GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN

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Yah honestly I am disgusted by the companies actions so far in handling the game. I mean when Mods respond and shut down THAT thread but won't say a peep about the 40 or 50+ threads posted about the lag experienced in Arena that's just strait pathetic. Players (Myself included) have even ran Tracerts to NCsoft's servers and WE KNOW IT"S THEM for fr*#s sake! WE KNOW IT"S YOU NCSOFT! You're not fooling anyone and more and more people are realizing that it is not THEIR ISP but rather NCsoft's bad servers. I predict this game will have the same EXACT outcome as Wildstar, another failed game that the company published. I honestly don't want it to fail because it has some really cool potential, but right now it's just going strait down the drain.

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1 minute ago, LittleBritches2 said:

Yah honestly I am disgusted by the companies actions so far in handling the game. I mean when Mods respond and shut down THAT thread but won't say a peep about the 40 or 50+ threads posted about the lag experienced in Arena that's just strait pathetic. Players (Myself included) have even ran Tracerts to NCsoft's servers and WE KNOW IT"S THEM for fr*#s sake! WE KNOW IT"S YOU NCSOFT! You're not fooling anyone and more and more people are realizing that it is not THEIR ISP but rather NCsoft's bad servers. I predict this game will have the same EXACT outcome as Wildstar, another failed game that the company published. I honestly don't want it to fail because it has some really cool potential, but right now it's just going strait down the drain.

Because there are not so "smart" ppl posting links to the cheat site. Indirectly, advertising for the cheat site? For e.g the person who posted the video. with the cheater's name an actual web address to buy the "hack". mods are supposed to remove such links. p***ack.com

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Touche'...but that still doesn't excuse NCsoft's complete lack of communication with the thousands of people unable to really PvP because of their server setup. And to anyone who thinks that everyone complaining about this just all happen to have terrible ISP's in both EU and NA...you don't deserve a brain.

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