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Balancing out PVP (All Classes + Match Making)


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First of all, I am playing as an assassin so this is mostly my own perspective.


The developers seemingly misunderstood what difficulity means, making a class easy to play isnt making it simply overpowered against other classes, by making it impossible to utilize on what they are built for. Maybe its just me going "Please Nerf Scissors, Rock is Fine" (Paper) but I still have to let it out.



Destroyers arent that bad, but the spinning. God the Spinning! It should be made so that you can hit them out of their spinning, perhaps by forcing them to move sharply. Also spinning should be slighly longer, but it should have a longer cooldown, higher focus cost AND something to trigger it. Dont let them just spin the whole game, maybe after taking a certain amount of damage?


Blade Cancer... I mean dancer.

I just cant stand this class, they are the cancer of PVP. I mean, if you near them they will chop you into mincemeat, if you hit them with ranged attacks it will stun you. Same as the destroyer spinning this class also should need something to trigger it, perhaps a counter system like the assassin? and cooldown. Also, they are stunning far to much. Far. To. Much.


Blade Master

Actually, I dont have anything to say about this class, the bluish-black sword-pillar whatever thing might be slightly OP, but it wouldn't be fair to change it, I mean who tells you to stay inside?


Scu... Summoner

Everyone begs to nerf them, but NCSoft went ahead and buffed them... Great. It would be fair if the cat had a time-limit, perhaps 30 seconds. But invulnerability if its summoned outside the battle state. Also, either sharing the healthpool OR taking damage when the cat dies, a lot of damage preferably. maybe a skilling that would allow to chose between the ways you take damage? A lot of DOT, A smaller burst or Stunning. I think this balances out quite well. Usually killing the cat leaves you with close to no health, this would balance it out.


Kung-Fu Master

What should I say... KFM relies on stunning and beating the opponent meanwhile, I dont know how other classes deal with it, but as an Assassin its quite easy to dealt with them.


Force Master

... *cricket* take away the healing in the frozen dragon state! The class has extremely high damage output, they root you once and bombard you with anything from fire to fried chicken! If you think that taking away the healing is to much, atleast increase the cost AND stun them when they are outside! Additionally the damage taken while frozen should be stacked into a DOT thats releasing over time.



Paper is fine... Just Kiddin', but I dont have a explicit idea on how you should nerf the assassin, maybe the longer you stay in stealth the stronger your outlines get? If you didnt notice, outlines remain while being in stealth.




Maybe its just my view, but I think that DOTs that attach themselfs as a status effect (e.G: The *cricketing* flower of the scu... summoner) shouldnt hit assassins out stealth, field AOEs are fine, who told you to stay inside? If you are stunned inside its your fault. Additionally, Spinning shouldnt hit out stealth, its impossible for assassins to fight when we are getting hit outta stealth every half second...


There are those who will now say "Assassins are Overpowered!"... Check out the PVP Rankings, I'll swallow a broom covered with chocolate if you can see an assassin without scrolling! Assassin and KFM both have the highest difficulity of the game, but its ridicilous if you give other classes the ability to counter exactly whats the essence of their style. Just from my perspective which happens to be influenced by my assassin I would say that the KFM is better off, if they catch you in their stun-lock pace its close to impossible to get away.




And finally the match making, why is it that three assassins can end up against two summoners and one Force Master?


I personally think that the group builds should be different, each class should only be present ONCE. Its ridicilous if you end up with three of your own class and the enemy group is your worst nightmare...


Only one ranged class per group and two melee types, if later there are more tank type classes(except KFM) it would be better to have a tank-melee-range group, atleast thats what I think.




What do you think? Am I just another lil' flaming boy that cant play his class right or do you agree with me?


I can play my class tho. I still remember the epic archivement of killing off 20 people alone that chased me through the whole mistywoods battlefield... Passive Kills count to! Who told them to run into blackwyrms AOE right? ... I also died there tho... Lets ignore this last paragraph right...

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I think the PvP has gone rock-paper-scissors with the last "balance" patch.

It's nearly impossible to defeat a Destroyer as an Assassin, if he doesn't suck too much. But take a Force Master instead, and the Destroyer doesn't stand a chance.


I really don't think that should be the case for an ESL game. It was way more balanced before this "balance" patch.


And I want a 'lock target' button against Summoners. Your target changes every step, which makes it nearly impossible to only hit the Summoner.

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There are not op classes there is problem about every class got counter class and actually that makes this game pvp even worse then some op class. Its like

Sin beats kfm and destro easy and gets rekt by scumoners/blade dancers/force masters (They add dec patch but forgot to add snare escape for sin *Cricket*)

Scumoners get rekt by destros/kfm

etc etc etc.

But the thing is devs dont give a *Cricket* about they game pvp.

And the question is what is endgame content then ? PVE lol ?


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