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Mushin's Tower


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Hello all I am Miss Yuki of Junghado. Two days ago when Mushin's Tower came out I when and did it, I made it to the 5th floor with no trouble but couldnt get passed the 5th in under 5 mins. Now yesterday I couldnt get pass the 2nd floor and same as today. Did they Change it? Did they make Blade Master the weakest class? I feel like the Blade Master cant do anything now and what not. Everyone else seems to make it to the 7th floor with out insues. What am I doing wrong? WHY CANT I DO ANYTHING>!!!

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What issue are you having on Floor 2? I haven't noticed a change and been farming it constantly trying to get the top roll for my 3 ET Soulshields going to be using(spent over 8g in Charms and still nothing. RNG doesn't like me for these soulshields).


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I haven't felt any change, but when you progress through the floors, the second time tends to be more difficult than the first.  For Floor 2, you want to block all his spin attack (I believe it's like 2.5 seconds) and when he goes for his frontal, stay away, don't even block, it will create a permanent fire puddle.  Also check your weapon, maybe it's broken and you forgot to repair. 

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Hi. I assure you that Blade Master can reach and clear 7th floor too.  First time when I went into Mushin I managed to reach 4th floor (where I didn't even get to start it cause of disconnect). The second day I started it all over again (2nd run in Mushin ever) and I managed to reach Floor 7 and even bring Junghado to 45% HP. I had Awakened Profane stage 10, accessories to infernal stage 10, siren belt stage 5 and pirate bracelet stage 10, full moonwater arena soulshield (with 0 infusing) and on weapon some really crappy gems that you get at the first 20 levels of the game. So yea, it is possible for Blade Master too :D

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Well seems like everyone else can clear the Tower, I only managed to clear till 5, and couldnt even do 5. Now I cant do 2nd floor. Its ok though I started new chara and going to level it and try it. I have all great gems, and all high end gears besides belt and bracelet. also full moonwater arena shield. Seems All I can do with my Blade Master is run around on the fields and do Dungion runs and thats it.

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