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Beat RNG when Upgrading Weapon ?


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Hi there,


So after spending about 2-3 hours across 2 characters simply trying to get the right stalker weapon I simply can't take it anymore. The Soulshield was nice and even the outfit and stupid headpiece thing was pretty cool. I just can't sit here anymore and fight the boss, to fight for a chance to spin the wheel, to hope it's a stalker weapon, to get jipped and start again....


This system is beyond broken, how do I get my stalker weapon, Ill even pay real money for it. I don't go to work so I can spend 3 hours in the same area, getting done over by RNGeesus...

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Are we talking about the very first wheel of fortune, the ~ level 10 one? if so,  you can buy the weapon in the market for few coppers (2-10 coppers) it's useless to try and get it on the wheel.


Be prepared to run (if you unlucky) over 30 times narrow to get the next upgrade.

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You can't access the market at that level (you get there at level 7-8, market requires 15). Just delete the character and do everything again if you finished the keys, or keep going on with the story until you start getting daily quests that reward keys, so you can get a few tries each day (I would personally try the first option, it's faster than doing dailys).

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