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Need some serious Blade Master halp.


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As the title says, need some help.

Pvping with BM is awesome, fast-paced and flashy.

But I struggle against a few classes, and I mean serious struggles.


I'm not complaining about nerfs, neither am I gonna accuse that other classes are overpowered or easy2play.

So please help me out with some advice instead of the usual "practice" and "git gud" that I've been seeing in other treads.


Before the reset the max ratings I achieved was 1867 in 300games+. 

But it went back to around the 1725 after facing multiple Summoners and Assassins in a row.


Literally the 2 classes I can't do anything against, or I try but fail miserably.

I'm gonna try to explain what my problems are with the classes, and I hope you people can help me out.


1: Assassins.

The one who draws first blood is always the assassin, the only thing I can do is hope the assassin makes a mistake and I can capitalize on it. (which is almost never)

In stealth they 50% chance to evade, so everytime I try do something I get rekt by some RNG.

And it doesn't help either that they are in stealth for 80% of the time.

Baiting out evasions is also easier said that done, since the first hit usually goes to the assassin.

Blocking is useless against them since they just stun me and disable my blocking ability's.


Problem: Mostly that Evade.


2: Summoners.

What a suprise right?

Unlike assassin I can get the first hit, but the cat doesn't seem to appreciate that I hit the summoner and starts wailing on me.

Everytime I read people saying "kill the cat first", but I have yet to meet a summoner who is just gonna stand there and let it happen.

And if by some chance I killed the cat, at least 60% of my hp is gone with almost all my CC.

Attacking the summoner head-on is an ever worse idea.

And for some reason the summoner itself always hits through my parry/block, not always but it still goes through.

I can deal with the snares and slows, it's just that at 1 point in the match my evasions are burned out and have to stand their and take the hits while I barely did anything back.


Problem: Don't know how to deal with this class.


These are the problems.

Practise is 1 thing, but you won't learn anything by getting killed every single time.

And I know that BM is kinda in a bad spot atm, but if I have to believe you people that the game is balanced then surely you can help me out, right?

And preferably I want to know how to deal with them from a Blade Master standpoint or perspective, since I can't burst them down like a destroyer or stay hidden in stealth like a assassin.


Thank you.

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I will now educate you. 


For assassins this is what you do. Spec your flock of blades skill for knockback. Assassins will always go into stealth at the start this is ok. First thing to do is wait and bait their next move. Stay blocking do not get hit by their shuriken. They will either walk up close and hit you or use their move to teleport behind you and stun you. If they teleport and stun do not waste your tab move just wait out the stun. If you can ss to avoid it. If they walk up to you use your tab move to daze. If at all possible DO NOT get hit by their flash escape. It opens you up to getting hit by shuriken. Wait out cloak again if they run away or if they come up to you again use your flock of blades. This is probably the only skill you can mess up and still be ok. If you miss just make sure to use your x move on flock of blades to guard against shuriken and that skill that teleports you. make sure you use your kick on their defensive move when they are on the ground. You can easily wait to see if they use a roll escape or that counter while on the ground. Lastly, your biggest strength against them is five point strike. Use it when they use their counter. It wil waste their counter and knock them into the air. The rest is up to you. 


For summoner its either kill the cat or lose the round. Spec your flock of blades for the lightning cloud. Wait to see if the summoner puts the cat into defense curl. If possible use counter to stun the cat, if not just use any other stun or daze, but not flicker. Launch the cat and use heavely dance. Also use your x move then get rid if flock of blades with z and then use left click to finish the air combo. Now this is important, you have to aim and use your z move on the summoner to pull him into flock of blades. This will stop the healing some. Once you pull him in use your tab daze to daze both the cat and summoner. Then follow your normal rotation to lol the cat. Summoner isn't to hard after that just as long as yoindont take the bait for his defensive skill.


Now all this is easier said than done. If you make one or two mistakes you lose while they can make all the mistakes they want. Practice what insaid and you will see big improvement 

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Step 1,




Step 2,


Pick Destroyer.


Step 3,


Hit tab to spin. Also click LMB followed by RMB fast to animation cancel  at opportune time


Step 4




You won't be number 1, but you will sadly wreck most players.



And yes this was partially a joke.


When I fight assassins I just watch their dark outline and press tab when they get close to remove stealth. The Flock recommendation sounds good, and I will give it a try. As I too am new to BM. But just thought I'd tell you what helped me with most sins in regards to their stealth. 



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