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Quest - Giant Enemy Crabs


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There's a bugged quest in Viridian Coast, Walesong Cove.

Quest name: Giant Enemy Crabs
Quest objective: take the spear gun and defeat Corrupted beach Crabs (0/50)

Upon getting the spear gun, both the 1-skill and the LMB will not trigger a shot. I got to 13 crabs before it stopped working.

Tried getting a new spear gun, resetting the quest and re-launching the game after a quick repair.
My setup is not to blame. I'm running 60fps with the highest graphics. Connection speed is 7ms/80mbps on average.

I managed to finish the quest by getting rid of the spear gun, just took a bit longer.

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Same issue, however it seems if you shoot a Giantic Corrupted Hermit Crab (the huge guy that occasionally comes up) you glitch and can't fire anymore. You ahve to drop the quest and start all over again.


I killed 10/50 corrupted beach crabs shot and killed a Giantic Corrupted Hermit Crab, glitched had to drop quest and restart.

Second time around 4/50 corrupted beach crabs, shot a Giantic Corrupted Hermit Crab died mid shot glitched again.

Third time, i shot the small corrupt crabs getting credit just fine, but confirm one last time, I shot a Giantic Corrupted Hermit Crab and the gun glitched.


Dropped quest re accepted it, shot only the corrupted beach crabs, quest complete.


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I will verify the work-around above.  I was able to drop and then re-accept the quest and finish it, finally.


The bug seems to be that you can no longer do the step to kill the Gigantic crab before finishing off the step for the 50 smaller crabs.


I know the order killed did NOT matter before the latest patches, since there wasn't any problem on my earlier characters and I remember killing the big one in the midst of the others.

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