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Kung Fu Master help


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Ok so i'm pretty new, started playing 7 days ago. currently lvl 41. Everything went well. i finally got the hang of my skills and i actually won in arena sometimes... then the patch happend and now i haven't won a single game. My skills are pure crap ATM and i have no idea what to do. Same for Dungeons, i have nothing and it's making me crazy because i can't figure out what i have to get! If anyone could help me i would be so thankfull! pls share some knowledge and help out a fellow player x-x

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I think you're asking for a skill build, though I'm not really sure.


Try these for now.


PvP: https://bnstree.com/KF?build=41000020303211543009332053300511106321084405542053430601120031


PvE: https://bnstree.com/KF?build=41000020003100711030320094420511005441113110632055210534220031


Do note that for the PvP build you need to shift some points around based on the class you're fighting.  Your main way of doing damage is stunning/dazing your opponent and

preforming the 3RF (Shin Kick -> Straight Jab -> Cyclone Kick) animation cancel.  Here's a good video about how 3RF works.



For the PvE Build your main damage is 2R animation cancel, throwing in F when it procs (Swift Strike -> Straight Jab, with cyclone kick procs).


Your Q and E are your big iframes that allow you to avoid damage. In addition the PvE spec has your C as an additional iframe.  Learning the proper timing to iframe and/or block attacks is critical to surviving dungeons.  Actually once you hit max level and you've unlocked searing palm iframe'ing things becomes critical to your DPS because that's one of the main ways to let you stack searing palm (that's why I put points into threat on guiding fist and counter, might as well get used to tanking because that'll be what you want to do at max level to to the most damage).


Dodging an attack with q/e will allow you to use triple kick (on your RMB) to stun, this is mainly used in PvP.  This is by far your lowest cooldown stun.


There is another build that you can do for PvE that switches swift strike to the tiger strike that readies hellfire kick and and switching cyclone kick to searing blow.  This build is all about minimizing the cooldown of searing palm and having the buff running all the time, so don't worry about it till 45.



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and don't worry, it's not only because you need practice. After PvP season begun, the rankings were reset, so you might meet a former platinum rank player on their way up while you are matching in silver. Just give the crowd time to spread out again. ^_^

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