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Blade Dancer's too overpowered need Revamp


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The ability to stun, hold, and spin to parry attacks. Don't you think that is a bit too overpowered when it comes to arena? All they have to do is spin and wait for the right moment to grab you knock you up in the air and do their ultimate skill. Should really look into revamping this class a bit.

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As a sin player I couldn't agree more . there is litterly NOTHING  a sin can do to beat  a blade cancer as five point strike can't be countered parried or blocked . the only way we can stop five point skill is by using our lotus strike BEFORE they use five point skill. But that means guessing when they're gunna use it .GUESSING. Seems balanced to me. :/

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KFM and Sin are also overpowered as heck too. KFM are allowed to stun, then hit hit hit hit, stun hit hit hit, stun hit hit hit. Sin = invisible, thunder attack, daze, thunder attack, slit throat, daze, slit throat, throw up into air, daze, thunder attack, slit throat, daze rinse and repeat. If that doesn't work hit until half HP for sin, and then wait until timer is done, stay invisible, then win. At least people can get out of destroyer's grab and hit them. Some can also beat an experienced one too.

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As BD I can agree that assasin is weaker than us,but thats because you try to rush us in start of the game,because 99% are think that being invisible is God mode for you ppl. And thats how I make assasins fly in first 5 seconds of match. And God help you if you dont have any way to brake my force chocke... Btw flash bang is not making you invisible too - if I can see your healt bar and my Z is off cd you will fly. But there is always that 1% games where assasins go full pasive and just play whit theyr counters and stay stealth and atack from range when all skills are off cd. That the only time I can tell that assasin is equal to me. Other than that - its easy win.

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10 hours ago, Crazylime said:

KFM and Sin are also overpowered as heck too. KFM are allowed to stun, then hit hit hit hit, stun hit hit hit, stun hit hit hit. Sin = invisible, thunder attack, daze, thunder attack, slit throat, daze, slit throat, throw up into air, daze, thunder attack, slit throat, daze rinse and repeat. If that doesn't work hit until half HP for sin, and then wait until timer is done, stay invisible, then win. At least people can get out of destroyer's grab and hit them. Some can also beat an experienced one too.

KFM? Have you tried not blowing your tab at the first cc you get hit with?

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19 hours ago, Nerkmind said:

As a sin player I couldn't agree more . there is litterly NOTHING  a sin can do to beat  a blade cancer as five point strike can't be countered parried or blocked . the only way we can stop five point skill is by using our lotus strike BEFORE they use five point skill. But that means guessing when they're gunna use it .GUESSING. Seems balanced to me. :/

Spec into lotus fury and use your 5point when they use their 5 point, or 2->SS->Q if you're a god sin. BD are one of my preferred matchups, if you're complaining about them as a sin then you need to "git gud". 


If they're spinning, back off to 15m away from them and let them spin it cost them 2chi per spin, after they stop spinning most likely they gonna pop immunity and go for an aerial into phantom grip for chi steal or try to get some chi back with throwing blades. If they pop immunity then drop your lotus, if they try to use their throwing sword drop smokescreen or just ss it. Your tab->1 out ranges their dashes so you should be winning neutral games.

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52 minutes ago, Foomps said:

Spec into lotus fury and use your 5point when they use their 5 point, or 2->SS->Q if you're a god sin. BD are one of my preferred matchups, if you're complaining about them as a sin then you need to "git gud". 


If they're spinning, back off to 15m away from them and let them spin it cost them 2chi per spin, after they stop spinning most likely they gonna pop immunity and go for an aerial into phantom grip for chi steal or try to get some chi back with throwing blades. If they pop immunity then drop your lotus, if they try to use their throwing sword drop smokescreen or just ss it. Your tab->1 out ranges their dashes so you should be winning neutral games.

I play both Sin and LBD. Flower doesn't work sometime even if you spam V, you can only use flower on the first hit, the second hit onward doesn't work even if you ss or q . the animation to sent you to the sky is way too fast. Sin needs the legendary skill woodblock to be able to fight LBM tbh. a good LBD will just wreck a good sin. they have 3 invulnerable skills which makes them very strong

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15 minutes ago, TakunDes said:

I play both Sin and LBD. Flower doesn't work sometime even if you spam V, you can only use flower on the first hit, the second hit onward doesn't work even if you ss or q . the animation to sent you to the sky is way too fast. Sin needs the legendary skill woodblock to be able to fight LBM tbh. a good LBD will just wreck a good sin. they have 3 invulnerable skills which makes them very strong

Probably a ping issue but i can woodblock->ss->q a pentaslash, if i have to, most of the time but yeah legendary woodblock would make it a lot easier being able to resist 1 attack but the whole point of speccing into lotus fury to to counter pentaslash so you might as well do that instead of blowing 3 escapes/counters. 


I wouldn't say that a good lbm  will rekt a good sin but the odds are definitely in the lbm's favor. Lbms have too much dmg and sins don't have enough escapes rn.

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13 hours ago, Crazylime said:

KFM and Sin are also overpowered as heck too. KFM are allowed to stun, then hit hit hit hit, stun hit hit hit, stun hit hit hit. Sin = invisible, thunder attack, daze, thunder attack, slit throat, daze, slit throat, throw up into air, daze, thunder attack, slit throat, daze rinse and repeat. If that doesn't work hit until half HP for sin, and then wait until timer is done, stay invisible, then win. At least people can get out of destroyer's grab and hit them. Some can also beat an experienced one too.

Sin and KFM are not overpowered lmao... KFM is the hardest class to master, while sin is second hardest. Of course they're gonna be good if someone practices.

Also, no shit sin = stealth, the entire class is based around stealth & crits. Plus, it's easy as *cricket* to get a sin out of stealth, especially as a destroyer / blade dancer.

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3 minutes ago, dragoshan said:

I cant touch blade cancer as a KFM. I can hold my own against any class with equal chances, but those little shits are just out of this world.

As a sin I can't touch blade dancers and destroyers... I get hit out of stealth so quickly, all they have to do is spam the spin button...


Even if I get into stealth and manage to get away from them, they just spam spin until my stealth runs out or I run into them.

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10 minutes ago, DankDuck1 said:

As a sin I can't touch blade dancers and destroyers... I get hit out of stealth so quickly, all they have to do is spam the spin button...


Even if I get into stealth and manage to get away from them, they just spam spin until my stealth runs out or I run into them.


You know you can tab them while they're spinning right? Tab -> 1 -> 100-0 combo to bait out their tab escape then stall for 10 sec and do the combo again.

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3 minutes ago, Foomps said:


You know you can tab them while they're spinning right? Tab -> 1 -> 100-0 combo to bait out their tab escape then stall for 10 sec and do the combo again.

Huh? Every time I try it gets blocked or resisted.... do they have iframes that I'm somehow hitting every time?

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2 minutes ago, Subpargamer said:


Don't worry, when i pass you in pvp ranking, i'll be sure to smile and say hi! I'll make sure to do it on all the characters.

It's just a prank bro!


No seriously though that comment was *cricket*ing gr8 m8.


and I was joking about my last comment, the only classes I'm butthurt about rn are scummoner, blade cancer, and destroyer.

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