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Jinsoyun story spoiler rant question


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I have been watching other peoples play through for the original version of the game and its made pretty clear that she isn't evil because of her reasons for things.. so i wonder if we will get to spare/cleanse her or is it going to be one of those but thou must take vengeance deals..?


Honestly even on my more vengeful assassin character i cannot imagine going through with it from an rp or personal standpoint ;^; master hong would be broken >.> and people deserve second chances..


So i am going through the game at a nice pace on my tiny lyn boy and assassin jin girl do-gooding while cursed and i am a bit afraid since reading peoples comments about storyline changes. I am hoping that we get the "you get to choose" 2.0 story, a lot of games like giving choices these days and i don't want my choices to be "vengeance!" Or "don't finish the story until you can choose."


This was more me venting than a topic, please don't hurt me game localization people, i like this game~

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