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Delayed combat action?


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Soo, ive been wondering if anyone else has the same issues as me?

Whenever im in combat against anything, be it player or npc, my  toons reaction from when i push a button to when it performs the actions is delayed?


Its not by much, about .5-1 sec from when i pressed a button to action gets performed. keep in mind its pretty much every combat ability that has an animation/reaction delay. Although its not much, against another player, that short moment is enough for some players to dodge or w/e while im waiting for my toon to attack etc.


Btw, im currently playing forcemaster.

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idd, its not unplayable and u can adjust to it, but its incredibly annoying.. xD 


Especially with mobs that jumpslam ur ass when u start attacking them, i start attacking and quickly doubletap "s" when they jump and are in the air, then it slides backwards just a moment after ive already been hit.. :P

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