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ou have been disconnected from the server for using unauthorized software


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Hello all, everything is in the title.

After spending almost a week with the assistance deigns to answer when their ca sing, I turn to the community to have the help of a friend who I hope has already encountered a problem and my was resolved. I obviously crossed the forum and the net to see if someone had the same concerns as me but without success.

After having played around twenty minutes to play and be arrived at 3, I decided to buy items in the shop with premium points that were given to me in my pack founder. after a few dry, I try to open my bought items and there is a message saying that to unlock them to speak an gm. 30 secs after I disconnected from the server with the message: "You have been disconnected from the server for using unauthorized software."

Since I uninstalled on the advice of assistance my razer components but nothing I still the same worries. Someone could help me please?

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Let me be clear, i never used one of these software. The problem was when i used the money they gave me when i purchased my founder's pack at 150$. and i receive the package in my mailbox. At first i had a message that said to unlock those items please refer to a gm and 30 secs later that message i was disconnected from the game and since then , i never able to connect again.

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