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Unable to Connect Error 2000 (132,10054)


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So I know this has been posted before but honestly the Devs have done a lack luster job of addressing this issue at best.  I have a close personal friend who started BNS in America with me and everything was working fine for him until Feb 4th 2016 when a patch was released since the patch he  has been unable to connect and he receives an error 2000 (132,10054) right after putting his pin in.


My friend can however connect to WildStar and Aion so it is not an NCSOFT issue but rather a Blade and Soul Specific issue.


He wrote to the devs and was told "your on college internet"


How can college internet work every day since launch and suddenly get blocked with a patch is my first gripe. Secondly the server is the American Server and he lives in America so there's that. Thirdly the college he attends is not blocking the traffic it is 110% on blade and souls side however all the devs will say is you are on college internet....


With Black Desert Online coming out soon, I would hazard a guess that if BNS Devs don't fix this issue they will be losing huge numbers of players.

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I would be the friend, and I asked the campus techs about port blocking or if anything changed over that day/night on the campus, and they told me nothing was changed on their end.


The patch notes for the 4th state that server modifications were done..... What exactly were these server mods? What exactly would the mods affect? As whatever was done, it seems apparent there are those of us who are unable to play due to that patch, there are other threads with people reporting the same issue with error "2000 (132,10054)" that are within the U.S who have never received this error before, not until the patch on the 4th.


I can connect to other NCSoft games without issue, so what makes BnS so different when I was happily playing up until 15minutes of that server downtime on the 4th? I have of course spent some money on the game in the cash shop in my short time playing (since the release), so obviously I am happy to support the game if I'm able to play it. But so far it's been near a week being unable to play due to a patch gone wrong.


Black Desert Online is coming out here soon and quite frankly, if I am unable to continue to play, BDO is going to get my money.

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While I'm not with CS, it's quite common for universities to regularly block high-traffic non-academic traffic sources. I'd recommend that your friend reach out again to CS for continued assistance (if possible). There might be other solutions to try, but I can't recommend those for policy's sake -- but I'm sure others would be happy to suggest. And if those work, it's definitely a local network block/issue.



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2 minutes ago, Delakron said:

While I'm not with CS, it's quite common for universities to regularly block high-traffic non-academic traffic sources. I'd recommend that your friend reach out again to CS for continued assistance (if possible). There might be other solutions to try, but I can't recommend those for policy's sake -- but I'm sure others would be happy to suggest. And if those work, it's definitely a local network block/issue.




I'll both contact NCSOFT CS again as well as talk with tech support on the campus about it again, but as per campus, nothing was blocked that day or for the past week for that matter or changed in the server configuration, and no new software was updated or changed on the campus servers either.

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11 hours ago, Delakron said:

While I'm not with CS, it's quite common for universities to regularly block high-traffic non-academic traffic sources. I'd recommend that your friend reach out again to CS for continued assistance (if possible). There might be other solutions to try, but I can't recommend those for policy's sake -- but I'm sure others would be happy to suggest. And if those work, it's definitely a local network block/issue.




Thanks for the response. We have contacted NCSOFT CS again and they have been attempting to assist with this issue. I say attempting because they haven't exactly been helpful. They are clearly reading or in this case firing off pre writting scripted questions a piece at a time in order to get information. They are also clearly ignoring the information that has been included in previous messages as they have asked for repeated information time and again. To date we have received 6 responses from NCSOFT with suggestions of things to do. A brief overview is as follows 

1.) Change DNS to Google DNS

2.) Flush DNS

3.)Send DXDIAG log 

4.)Send LSP log

5.)Send HiJackThis Log (Twice) 

6.) Uninstall Antivirus Software


The most recent step we are on is another information obtaining step by CS in which they are looking for

1.) Do you use DSL,Cable,Dial-up ect

2.)Do you use any router,hubs,switches and if so what is the make and model

3.)Does your computer connect wirelessly or does it use an Ethernet cable

4.)who is your internet service provider

5.) Where are you located

6.)Are you on a home,campus,business or military network?

7.) Do you use any Internet security applications

8.) They want a PingPlotter log file of at least 30 mins. 


All of this on the surface is well and fine however, it is beginning to get more and more frustrating. Customer Service has approached this issue as if the problem is client side which I suppose makes sense. However, we have been very direct in explaining to them that nothing has changed client side to cause this issue. On top of that everything they have tried so far seems to further the point that the issue is not client side. Blade and Soul made some type of a change on 02-04-2016 after which this issue began. I have expressed this to customer service no fewer than 4 times now and each time they ignore this and ask for some other client side fix to be tried. 


I must stress we have no issues trying the client side fixes however, as both of us have backgrounds in ITS these cardboard cut out responses coupled with what feels like intentional ignorance to the facts of the situation are slowly but surely souring our taste for this product. 

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12 hours ago, Delakron said:

While I'm not with CS, it's quite common for universities to regularly block high-traffic non-academic traffic sources. I'd recommend that your friend reach out again to CS for continued assistance (if possible). There might be other solutions to try, but I can't recommend those for policy's sake -- but I'm sure others would be happy to suggest. And if those work, it's definitely a local network block/issue.




I don't think it is a "local" issue. I tried playing at home here in California, and I get the same issue. My friend in Nevada gets the same issue. I tried playing off my ISP (using Verizon hotspot), still having the same issue. I suggest that BnS staff have an internal meeting of some sort to address this issue.

If none of the BnS staff can handle this issue, I suggest that ya'll hire an IT consultant to address this. At this point, I don't this issue is user-related. It's something internal that yall need to fix.


Like what the OP mentioned, they have IT background. I am a network engineer. I build my own LAN/WLAN. And no, it's not a local issue. Trust me, I'm an Engineer.



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17 minutes ago, Chocolove said:


I don't think it is a "local" issue. I tried playing at home here in California, and I get the same issue. My friend in Nevada gets the same issue. I tried playing off my ISP (using Verizon hotspot), still having the same issue. I suggest that BnS staff have an internal meeting of some sort to address this issue.

If none of the BnS staff can handle this issue, I suggest that ya'll hire an IT consultant to address this. At this point, I don't this issue is user-related. It's something internal that yall need to fix.


Like what the OP mentioned, they have IT background. I am a network engineer. I build my own LAN/WLAN. And no, it's not a local issue. Trust me, I'm an Engineer.



Interesting that you are having issues as well my friend whose experiencing these problems is in Tennessee.


We are currently in the process of running PingPlotter as they have suggested in there most previous correspondence with us. However, we had already ran tracert as well as a pathping to IP which is the IP for the servers located here in the states. These have come back 100% fine no time outs what-so-ever yet the client will not load after putting in the pin number.

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5 minutes ago, tundgill said:

Interesting that you are having issues as well my friend whose experiencing these problems is in Tennessee.


We are currently in the process of running PingPlotter as they have suggested in there most previous correspondence with us. However, we had already ran tracert as well as a pathping to IP which is the IP for the servers located here in the states. These have come back 100% fine no time outs what-so-ever yet the client will not load after putting in the pin number.


My trace is fine as well. The tests these CS guys are asking us is just another way of saying it's "OUR" issue and not theirs. Another friend of mine who lives in Vancouver is having the same issue, although he's able to login after trying N times. His suggested fix? Keep trying. LOL.


Tbh, we don't need CS for this. We need their engineers or IT staff. CS can only do so much, they need to escalate this.


Anyway, GL to us. :( 

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So, Tech support got back to me and told me that the game uses


TCP ports 80, 2106, 6600, 10241, 12100, 10900, 10100, and 11900.


The recommended using http://www.canyouseeme.org to check the ports. And told me that they need to be open.


All of these ports show as closed from my friends college campus. - He can't connect

All of the ports show as closed to me from my home address. - I can connect and can play with out issue.


For the sake of argument my friend went over the ITS Department on his campus and they are going to check the ports / open them for him. However it makes no sense that if the ports need to be opened in order to play and mine are closed that I can play.s


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4 minutes ago, Chocolove said:

My error changed to (3000)(132,10054) lmao


We are trying this fix

As well as a VPN work around just to see. We haven't heard back from Campus IT yet but considering all the information that has been presented so far I really feel like this issue is 100% on BnS's side of things. What seems increasingly odd to me is this error message when you search the net comes back as potentially "region locked" considering the PC in question is located in the United States in Tennessee it feels as if BnS has done something to block a range of IP's.

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Okay so using a VPN does get him into the game.

We chose to use this



So he can get in, its a bit too laggy to really play but to me this confirms they have done something to prevent his IP from properly connecting.



Which goes back to the whole "BnS made a change on 02-04-2016 and since that time the issue began". The question for me is what changes did they make...

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Some of us are fighting with a plague called error 1000 132 10054 since launch, and they (CS) still insist its user/client fault, 

even when shown all ports opened, ISPs logs that everything is clear on their end, pingplotter and everything...

They have serious network problems which they aint addressing since launch... 


Some of us already gave up on finding a fix when nothing helps to fix something that is not on your end...

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That is horrible. I know for me personally if my buddy and I cant get a resolution to this we will be uninstalling and the group of us who were planning on playing this will simply be moving to the next MMO which is slated to come out in early march

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This is pathetic.


They asked me to uninstall my Razer Synapse cuz they said it causes issues.

-I've been playing this game since launch with Synapse and I was fine with it. Anyway, did what they asked and I still have the error.


They asked me to disable all my startup services and only allow microsoft applications.

- My startup config is rigged the way I want it since I have an IT background. Again, I have been playing since launch with this, and I was fine until this weekend. Anyway... I did what they told me. Poof, still have the error.


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Okay, breakthrough.


This fix did it for me. Can ya'll try this?



  1. Click the "Start" button to bring up the Start Menu.
  2. Type in CMD into the "Search programs and files" field but do not hit enter. Doing this will change your start menu to show the program "cmd.exe."
  3. Right-click on "cmd.exe" and select "Run as Administrator."
  4. Type "netsh winsock show catalog >C:\LSP.txt" without the quotes. This will save a file to the root of your C drive called LSP.txt. Please attach that file to this ticket. (We would like this report even if the issue is resolved)
  5. Once complete, type "netsh winsock reset" without the quotes. When the command is completed successfully, a confirmation appears, followed by a new command prompt line.

Once completed, please try connecting again. 



They suggested this and it worked. 

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Yeah, we tried the LSP fix last night I will have my buddy try it again when he gets back from Dinner though. 


To date we have tried the following 


1.) Send DXDIAG

2.) Send HijackTHIS log file (twice)

3.) Ran LSP Fix and  Send LSP log file

4.) Change DNS to Google DNS

5.) Flush DNS

6.) Try a different DNS entirely 

7.)Uninstall Antivirus Software

8.) Disabled ISA (of which there weren't any aside from Microsoft Firewall which we disabled)

9.) Change region from North America to Europe attempt to launch the game and than change it back

10.) Reinstall the game

11.) And Check IP Ports. 

12.) Send TCPIP Log File

13.) Send them a ping plotter log of at least 30 mins of data


The only thing that has allowed for a connection is to use a VPN connection. That connection is too slow to play the game but it does allow a connection. We also were able to establish a connection via a cell phone hotspot just for the sake of argument.  I recognize that this could point to an IP Port issue but there are a couple of issues with that theory 

1.) The game worked up until the downtime on 02-04-2016

2.) The game began giving this error right after the update was complete. 

3.) ITS at the college was closed at this time, and there port blocking per them is a manual process

4.) ITS has made no changes to any ports since the middle of January. 


Additionally the port(s) that CS has asked us to check show as blocked for me, and they show as blocked for my buddy. I can get into the game and play 100% of the time with out issue. My Buddy cannot get into play. I do suppose we neglected to check the ports while connected to the VPN so we will try that as well here but honestly the whole issue for us began in connection with there downtime on 02-04-2016 and none of the troubleshooting steps they have given us have addressed that "elephant in the room" so to speak. 


To be perfectly frank I think the issue that is most concerning is CS doesn't really seem to be listening, they are just taking the information that is provided to them an kicking back prefabricated responses that they have found fix issues. No one from CS has yet confirmed or denied what changes were made on 02-04-2016 and considering that is the start of the issue you would think the beginning is where you would begin the trouble shooting process. Instead they have just taken fixes for the issues in the past and kicked them out at us. 


What I would really like is some confirmation that our IP in question is not blocked by them.  I have given them the IP multiple times though and each and everytime I give them the address it seems that they ignore it. They've gone so far as to send us a list of questions that they could have had the answers to had they simply ran a look up on the IP such as City and State Location and ISP.  To say I am a little frustrated with CS at this point would be an understatement. 


I will say that I do appreciate the quick response times to the information we provide them however, it means nothing because they ignore key pieces of information and just move on to the next step of there trouble shooting process blindly. 



End Rant


In short we will try the LSP Fix again we have nothing to lose at this point. We have a request into ITS for them to manually open the ports in question just for a test, the guys my buddy spoke to seemed to think they would be willing to give it a shot, and than we will check the ports via the VPN connection to see how they report back opened or closed 

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Asked them to check to see if my friends IP was blocked and I get this email in response 


" Hello There,

I appreciate your act of petitioning on behalf of your friend. However, in order to provide assistance, we will need to hear from them directly. This is necessary to ensure that we obtain all internal information that may be needed to resolve their issue. Please have your friend e-mail support for assistance.

However with regards to your friends issue. It maybe because of his campuses firewall. Please have him send an email as soon as possible.

We look forward to your friends reply.

Thank you for your cooperation.


NCSOFT Support Team"


I can honestly say as an ITS professional the blatant disregard to the facts of a problem that Customer Service has exhibited thus far is appalling and makes me ashamed to say I work in the industry. To continually point to a campus firewall is simply put a cop-out. It shows a lack of communication with in your department from the bottom to the top when troubleshooting a problem and it is highly upsetting. It also shows a desire to simply close tickets for a numbers game as opposed to offering meaningful solutions. I can't even wrap my head around the idea that BnS made a change and that somehow equates to the Campus Firewall blocking something. ITS on campus has insisted they have not blocked and made no changes yet BnS CS continues to point the finger at them, and refuses to listen or fully read the emails that I have sent explaining this important bit of information. I see this type of behavior from time to time in my company and those individuals get fired. Passing the buck so-to-speak and blaming other companies or organizations when you can't or don't want to be bothered finding a solution is a crying shame. 



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So After CS told me that they couldn't help me anymore and that the needed to talk to my friend directly he went ahead and messaged them. 


CS than asked him to recreate his Windows Profile on his PC. 


He did that and guess what? It didn't work. 


The good news though is after the update today my friend is no longer getting this error message. He still cannot log into the game he is now getting a 1000 series error message but I suppose that's progress? 


I did find this interesting  as it is in response to a question from today about the extended downtime after the patch


It makes me believe the issue was 100% on there side which basically means CS doesn't communicate properly with the Engineers and or NCSOFT has a  problem when it comes to transparency with end users. Either way I am glad that my friend is no longer getting the 2000 series error message. 

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I have been having the same problem (log in, title splash, disconnect) since the patch of February 4th, except that I receive an error message of "3000 (132, 10054)" instead of 2000.  (I am in currently in California, USA.)  I have also been going back and forth with their support staff, and, like the posters above, have sent them all the files they requested, and have tried all the solutions they suggested (eliminating startup items, winsock reset, disabling firewall and AV, trying Google DNS) -- and a couple items on my own -- except for actually uninstalling my AV, each time fairly confident that the problem is not on my end.  I eventually told them as much, but they are insistent that it's client-side, even though everything else works fine and there were no problems until they modified something with that patch.  Ultimately, I told them not to bother; I'll try to reconnect for a couple more patches and if it's not resolved, I'll find something else to do.  The game was kinda fun, but not worth this headache.


Unfortunately, I cannot offer a solution.  I'm just posting to note that there seem to be a lot of us in the same boat, and that the problem is almost certainly on their side, which we cannot correct.  As is often the case, the support people are pleasant, but they can only follow the procedure of copy/pasting things and can't address the issue themselves.

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