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open world pvp class


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why im feel BD so useless in open world pvp ? or only me feel like that?

im planning to change my char to KFM or assa, which one better for both open world pvp and arena? 


and if im not wrong there will be new class that likes KFM? and its more good? its true?


thx. i dont care about PVE, kindly someone give me some advice or suggestion


thx again

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1) Blade Dancer can be useless in terms of abilities. But he is more used as a utility in open world pvp - if your party doesn't get the faction boss hit first, you can grab him and throw him far enough away making him return back to normal place as if he just spawned, and give your party another chance to snatch it.


Open world

My main is currently KFM and I can honestly say I have a hard time in open world pvp. As KFM you specialise in 1 on 1, long chain combos - not AoE based like Destroyer with tankability and lifesteal.


Assassins can usually be easier to play in open world as you just hunt somebody down and kill them through invisibilty, and if anything goes down hill skill points into your retreat (SS) to get bonus move speed to run and come back later. Although, assassins do also find it difficult even escaping 2v1 situations if played incorrectly.


Arena PvP

As for arena, I feel KFM is dominant here. If you can learn his basic combo, it does masses amount of damage in just a 2/3 second stun window. Your problem is usually remembering what escapes your opponents have and when it is best to unleash your full combo, learning it is the hardest part as sometimes even the best players tend to button mash when a combo goes wrong xD


Assassins are the b*tches of PvP... They stun you for ages and attack you while you can't move and once you can- they'll wrap you up or blind you so you either waste protect or can't get to them before all their skills have refreshed. They are a fun class to play and not everybody plays them the usual flamed way everyone complains about, but they are a little easier to learn and will deal more damage for less effort over KFM.


New Class

Depending on where you are (I am in the EU) yes there will be a new class but not anytime soon after Warlock - so you'll be waiting a while. He/She is called the Soul Fighter, a little less combo dependant and also has ranged attacks. Google search it or look at a video on youtube. As for how good it is - I'm not too sure as they are still balancing it but it does looks stronger in terms of PvE, not too sure about PvP.

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