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YoloMcSwaggCoat - RNG swag talk


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RNG Boxes in the cash shop I can understand, I don't like them but I see why they're there.

Given the fact that NCsoft knows how to do math, unlike me, I tried to figure out what it'll take me to get that Outfit from the new RNG Boxes, they are most likely WELL aware of the following numbers.


Where to start with no cash? Lucky for me some guy on reddit spent 6k on them random boxes and posted the outcome.

I'll focus on the outfit since that's what I usually spend my money on when I have spare.


On the screenshot over there he has 40 fabrics which I assume are from dismantling the outfit, that's what I'm gonna base this on.

Disclaimer: For the calculation I used rough values since I didn't know how the NCoin prices translate from Dollar to Euros and what the stock exchange thing was at back then, you get the point.


Now here's the interesting part:

Right now 6.000 € will get you 3360 boxes in case you're buying the big box packs calculation is as follows:

- x28 boxes at 3999 NCoins, 120 times

- assuming you're purchasing 8k NCoins at a price of 100€, 60 times


40 fabrics means out of 3360 boxes he got the outfit 40 times:

3360 boxes / 40 outfits = 84 boxes/1 outfit


84 boxes mean 3 times the x28 boxes option at 3999 NCoins each (~50€):

84x / 28x = 3x

3x * 50€ = 150€/Outfit


Give or take you'll probably be spending about 100€ - 200€ for that Outfit.

Granted, if you're lucky you'll need less boxes - on the other hand if you're unlucky ... you're in for an expensive treat.

(Please do correct me if my math is totally off here, I'm not very fond if this.)


I personally prefer paying for an outfit without any random stuff to go through beforehand.

Why? Because I consider myself really unlucky. How unlucky exactly? 131 runs to get the Red Mask, that unlucky.


Quiz time: Despite any other junk that might add to some "value" of the whole box, ~150€ for that outfit, what do you guys think? Worth it?

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Not sure if he actually had 40 boxes, but assuming the same things as you said, there's an easier way to calculate money per outfit: 6000 E / 40 outfits = 150 E/outfit.

That's, of course, assuming that 40 fabrics are from dismantling the outfits he got. I haven't salvaged any outfits yet so I don't know if they all give one fabric either.

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