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Question for devs


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let me start off by saying LOVE the combat in this game TONS of fun...went from 1-45 lovin it...then I notice a new item pop up as a requirement for crafting stuff...soulstone...using my awesome skills in reasoning I googled these new items and to my horror I find that the ONLY way to get these soulstones are to do pvp dailies...in other words the only way to advance in the game is to pvp...who the hack thought it was a good idea to force pvp on someone? Yes for a large sum of gold that will take me weeks to grind I can buy it from AH...I ran some numbers to get a rough estimate and everyday I spend as a pver I fall behind a pvper by about 5 days ish and I would have no money after buying these, so AH is not an option...and the crappy 2 soulstones a day for pver while pvpers get what is it 20+ stones a day is completely unacceptable. With all this said...when is grindable soulstone content coming for pvers? I would hope you guys don't plan on backhanding all your pvers forever. Oh and for those that don't consider faction dailies pvp...are you blind? your getting ganked all the time tring to do some grinding XD.

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