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What complainers fail to realize about B&S


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On a daily basis I see fellow gamers complaining or saying "I'm bored " or "this needs improvement" and the list goes on. But one thing we forget is that this game was released in 2012!

Just because the game is released in NA/EU doesn't  make it a brand spanking new online game. We are playing a version of Blade and Soul from 4 years ago there is much to catch up on. With that being said, there is a reason why Blade & Soul was released in Asia, obviously that was the targeted player base. I often wonder if back in 2012 they complained like the folks in this version. Well, it wouldn't matter because the game is now an E-Sport in Asia which speaks volumes on that regard. 


So to those saying how such a horrible game B&S is with the criticisms, you are entitled to them but you are fooling yourself if you think NCSOFT needs to re-code aspects of their product when it is already a success to their main target playerbase. It is true they are some aspects of the game that isn't the best, but I have never seen a perfect online game in my gaming career. I just try to enjoy the game for what it is because overall I enjoy the game. In the end, we either hate it or love it and life goes on and more games to be played.


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