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Limit the amount of bid for auction.


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While I never had this problem so far. It seems lots of people finding people who spike the bid. It's unethical and such behavior should not be allowed. There are also people who set the loot to heroic (purple) so they can ninja tears and costumes in 4 man.


Though I am a supporter of the auction loot system. This kind of flaw becomes greatly annoying knowing assholes would cheat people out of their gold.


pug in group finder should not be allowed to change the loot setting unless all member or majority agrees. The bid amount for items should be only allowed to only increase 10 percent or 25 percent per bid which makes it nearly impossible for jerks to spike the bidding price.


Also there should be a report for such people. It doesn't have to effective, just enough to scare people from doing dumb things.


I know this isn't in the game before but it's something they can easily implement.

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