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Two things are completely taking away from arenas for me...


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1) The completely terrible latency issues. Even at 80 ping, I'm experiencing issues as people sliding away from me after I CC them, particularly egregious as a destroyer when I need that CC to use grab or pile driver when I knock someone up. This is slowly becoming game breaking the higher my PvP rank/ELO goes. It's simply not fun to lose a match because someone slid away from your grab but it still used the cooldown of it.


Also drag not actually pulling people to your position visually on top of this issue? Rage inducing. Fix this crap, seriously.


2) The scoring system is terrible. Basing it purely on damage done is such a completely asinine way of doing it, particularly for classes such as destroyers for whom their main 'defense' is self healing, versus classes such as KFM or BM or rely on avoiding damage entirely. If I end a match with someone at 1/10th health and I'm at 3/4, there is zero reason I should ever lose it. Particularly bad when facing an assassin, as they can simply run the clock.


Both of these together are making me want to do PvP less and less, which is not helped by the forced daily quest that you have no way of getting rid of outside of changing your entire quest sorting method.

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If match was decided on HP left after time runs out, Destroyer would be OP as fk - you would just turtle whole game long and heal. Your goal is to kill the enemy before time runs out as Destroyer. otherwise you lose cuz you heal much more than other classes (so if enemy is not dead by the time match ends that means enemy did more dmg than you).

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6 minutes ago, ZilPui said:

If match was decided on HP left after time runs out, Destroyer would be OP as fk - you would just turtle whole game long and heal. Your goal is to kill the enemy before time runs out as Destroyer. otherwise you lose cuz you heal much more than other classes (so if enemy is not dead by the time match ends that means enemy did more dmg than you).


8 minutes ago, Shukran said:

actually you can spec any class in healing. so it is up to you to decide how to play your match. learn from mistakes, learn from defeats.


I love how contradictory these two view points are, it's kinda hilarious.


Particularly in the context of my main complaint being with assassins turtling, but the hip and cool thing is to hate on destroyers so we better keep that up! Also if anyone lets a destroyer 'turtle' they have no idea whatsoever how to fight a destroyer. 


I've literally had rounds where the person dies as the timer runs out (less than a second difference) and then I still lose due to the scoring system. I have no idea how you can say that is not broken with a straight face.


1 hour ago, 848742_1452550186 said:

I agree with all of this. One thing though, how do you see your ping?

Resource monitor gives you a rough idea, the alternative is to look up the IP of the servers and then run a trace route.

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Nothing contradictory about it.

Sure you can spec every class into healing, but it won't be anywhere near as good as Destroyer healing and other classes would lose too much if they went healing.

And for Assassin turtling is the only way to beat Destroyer. If you get caught by Destroyer its game over for Assassin.

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i dont know how can be my post "contradictory"..to what?


i just stated the obvious. every class can spec some skill in healing ones. i didnt say anything more. plus i am not sharing my account wityh the other user u are comparing me with, so ui dont get what s the meaning of "contradictory".


game has a timer. classes have strategy and skills.

when timer ends someone has to win. why damage dealt should be comsidered more than hp left? why vice versa?


devs decided for a rule. and afaik every region and client before release used this system.


so why should something change if there were no reason before and they even did tournaments before release. ofc we are west and we are entitled to change game as we want. right?

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