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This thing is buggy to the high hells and back and suffers from poor design flaws.


Got killed by his AoE, could not channel chi, unequip tabard, or release to rez. Work around for this was logging out and logging back in.


Another issue is being melee during a non-tank zerg rush. On my summoner, I can send my cat in and afk for free loot and chest, however on my BM with 5 kills and iFraming the AoE when we do have a tank, I still do not have a chest or even a quest item to speak of, which is obviously incredibly engaging gameplay...

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2 hours ago, 848742_1452550186 said:

Only the first part of this is a bug. The rest is you just not doing enough damage. I play melee on BlackWyrm without tanks and have 0 problems getting loot.


That is clearly what I stated, on the flip side I received the quest item and a chest on my next kill, so sort of a moot point now.

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