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Looking For PvP Advice (Summoner Main)


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I am a summoner (I know, everyone thinks we're so OP). I am having trouble in 1v1 arena at the entry level platinum rank. I pretty much hover in and out of platinum depending on my losses and wins. I am just looking for a person to discuss PvP with or a website that has guides and videos in english (cause I can't read anything otherwise). The person has to be at least platinum rank, because if you aren't platinum rank, I don't have much faith in your PvP skills over my own. One of the main topics of PvP I would like to discuss and practice is beating the spin to win technique. I feel that as a summoner, I am completely countered in every way by Destroyer opponents. Sure I can beat the unskilled ones, but even the unskilled platinum destroyers still give me a run for my money.

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