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Familiar Stats


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I thought that the stats of the Cat was based off my own, however after working with soul shields there was no change with my feline beyond health. I was working with block.


So do only certain stats change according to my own? Does it just matter on my staff? I'm confused here, I would really like at least some say in my Sasha's stats.

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Cat's stats scale off of your attack power. This includes socketing a Diamond into your weapon with Attack Power as well.

Cat also follows its own stat curves based on if you take Alley Cat or House Cat. If you go House Cat your cat's crit rating hits 0 and can't crit ever outside of gaining stacking crit buffs from 24-man Blackram Supply crit buff. Similarly Alley Cat can never Block.


Soul Plates DO effect your cats stats, but I wouldn't be able to math out why its the way it is because I'm not particularly great at Math or want to dedicate the time to it, but as an example I normally run around with full Blackram Supply Soul Shield and on Alley Cat the cat will have 289 Attack, and 24,387 hp. But if I swap just a single piece of the plate such as say, plate #7 which on Blackram has 1690 hp, 53 Crit (Fusion), Acc 78 and Block 127 to -> Moonwater Renowned Valor with 1810 hp, and Eva 131, I actually lose health and attack by the cat going to 280 Attack and 24,000 hp. Mind you breaking the 8 piece set of Blackwater loses 213 piercing and 91 block-- so those stats have nothing to do with health or attack power.


As for comparative examples of stat curves with my regular gear, 


My Sheet:

Attack: 372

HP: 25,978 

Acc: 627 (110.16%)

Crit: 1708 (40.68%)

Crit Damage: 660 (173%)

Defense: 789 (19.17%)

Evasion: 836 (20.07 evasion, 64.77 improve counter)

Block: 383 (35.48 dmg reduction, 33.93 improve block, 19.10 block rate)

Critical Defense: 0


No Spec Cat:

Attack: 260

HP: 18,995 

Acc: 786 (114.60%)

Crit: 1155 (31.81%)

Crit Damage: 385 (155.09%)

Defense: 1537 (31.35%)

Evasion: 1541 (31.40 evasion, 94.21 improve counter)

Block: 383 (44.84 dmg reduction, 77.42 improve block, 41.24 block rate)

Critical Defense: 385 (13.52% Rate, 14.60% damage reduction) 


Alley Cat:

Attack: 275

HP: 24,387 

Acc: 1171 (123.31%)

Crit: 2696 (51.65%) (zomg brutal cat)

Crit Damage: 893 (186.42%)

Defense: 1730 (33.88%)

Evasion: 1541 (31.40 evasion, 94.21 improve counter)

Block: 0 (30% dmg reduction) (Alley Cat cannot get Block Stat without external buffs.)

Critical Defense: 385 (13.52% Rate, 14.60% damage reduction) 


House Cat:

Attack: 252 (Probably Curling often anyway though, so not too much of a bad thing.)

HP: 45,956 (Insane)

Acc: 786 (114.60%)

Crit: 0 (nope%) ( :(   )

Crit Damage: 0 (nope%) ( :(  )

Defense: 2885 (45.64%)

Evasion: 1926 (36.26 evasion, 108.77 improve counter)

Block: 1193 (45.25% dmg reduction, 79.27% improve block, 42.01% Block Rate)

Critical Defense: 385 (13.52% Rate, 14.60% damage reduction) 


Math Wizards can try to draw their own conclusions on scaling if they feel inclined.


At minimum you gain a great amount of health for specing into any cat at all, not to mention offensive stats. A lot of builds suggest House Cat, which I can agree with in pvp and if you're having to tank, but even dps builds do it... Which I end up disagreeing with and going Alley just by the nature of Crit, let alone attack power on the cat itself. The difference between critting often or not is kind of vast, ignoring the attack difference or not. Though you do have to be more alert of your cat being in a dangerous situation... Which I'm cool with, because I rolled the class to micromanage, not to fire an external DoT and forget about it.

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I just got an Atk diamond. Only 4 but I've seen the stats rise when upgrading an accessory 1 point of Atk. So I put it in.... and nothing happened.


Can someone please tell me what I have to do to focus on her overall strength?


Edit: Got frustrated after learning to find the Tiiiiiiny line on my bugged market to see Atk not boosting my familiars stats. So I got a 400 def pentagon to make me less squishy... and her defense went up as well. So she does reflect on my own stats.

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So got a request to update my stats. The good news is I didn't upgrade my weapon. The bad news is by doing any quests at all, which of course I did, I gained a Hongmoon Level. So even with the same gear I get some stat inflation from being Hongmoon Level 1. Regardless the stat spread shouldn't be too different, but here goes.


New Sheet, +1 Hongmoon Level Only, Same Gear:

Attack: 385

HP: 26,478

Acc: 627 (110.16%)

Crit: 1718 (40.80%)

Crit Damage: 660 (173%)

Defense: 795 (19.29%)

Evasion: 844

Block: 389


No Spec Cat:

Attack: 265

HP: 19,339 

Acc: 805 (115.09%)

Crit: 1183 (32.33%)

Crit Damage: 394 (155.72%)

Defense: 1564 (31.72%)

Evasion: 1573 (31.84 evasion, 95.51 improve counter)

Block: 1186 (45.18 dmg reduction, 78.93 improve block, 41.87 block rate)

Critical Defense: 394 (13.84% Rate, 14.92% damage reduction) 


Alley Cat:

Attack: 280

HP: 24,862 

Acc: 1199 (123.85%)

Crit: 2761 (52.23%) (zomg still brutal cat)

Crit Damage: 915 (187.61%)

Defense: 1761 (34.27%)

Evasion: 1573 (31.84 evasion, 95.51 improve counter)

Block: 3 (30% dmg reduction) (Alley Cat is apparently gaining bonuses from Hongmoon Levels. This is still negligible. 0.27% chance to block, lol.)

Critical Defense: 394 (13.84% Rate, 14.92% damage reduction) 


House Cat:

Attack: 257 (Probably Curling often anyway though, so not too much of a bad thing.)

HP: 46,954 (Still Insane)

Acc: 805 (115.09%)

Crit: 0 (nope%) ( Unlike Alley Cat, isn't getting Hongmoon benefit. But then that's so tiny that it doesn't matter. )

Crit Damage: 0 (125%) ( :(  )

Defense: 2945 (46.12%)

Evasion: 1968 (36.74 evasion, 110.22 improve counter)

Block: 1225 (45.60% dmg reduction, 80.81% improve block, 42.64% Block Rate)

Critical Defense: 394 (13.84% Rate, 14.92% damage reduction) 


So pretty much in conclusion, my chart above about no spec's block number is a bad copy and paste I'll keep archived... So don't look at that number and this one and think it was buffed, it wasn't, its the same % values. The buffs are minimals... Stats say that people are flat out dead wrong about cats being nerfed in any sort of capacity, and since potency of all cat abilities have increased they should be buffed considerably.


Will have to investigate Cat Taunt auras to see if it was nerfed or if that's hyperbole too. I run a 4 man Poh group nightly and 3/4ths of the time I run tank cat and once in awhile I indulge in Alley Cat and a Destroyer does instead. I will say in Mushin's tower I didn't experience any taunt problems whatsoever, but to be fair, I'm experimenting with Rumblebees Stage 1 instead of typical Sunflower since the buff/changes. Also to note I often do Alley Cat 'tanking' while soloing so it has good damage inbetween curls when I do double Dazes on the bosses and pins. So maybe because I'm relying on CC on bosses I'm not noticing anything since I'm only using the aura for six seconds at most.


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Yeah... I'm not really sure what the other thread is raising pitchforks for. I'm doing the new 24 zerg against Blade Dancers who are in Draw with Profane procs and focus-grabs and they still can't pull off my cat. I really don't know what to say; looks like people trying to make up a reason to complain about. Cat got nothing but buffs this patch. o_O


I feel like taunt lingers less than it used to though. Before sometimes, though rare, it'd still have aggro after curl and almost last to the next. Now it seems like it ends on time every time. Or maybe I'm overthinking it because other people are and simply trying to give too much benefit of the doubt.

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This issue many of us have noticed is as follows.

1) I have agro

2) I tell pet to taunt

3) Pet assumes the position

4) Mob changes target to pet

5) Less than 3 seconds pass according to cooldown timer

6) Mob changes target back to player


This is not the same as it was prior to update.

Question that must be answered:

Bug or Nerf?

If bug,

Then response & eta required

Else Nerf

Then Notes & tool tip update required

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  • 1 month later...

did anyone encounter in there familiar atk dmg. decrease every time your char. level up, im in lvl25 my summoner char. and my familiar atk dmg. was in 93 atk dmg. but when i level up to lvl26 i check my familiar stats it became 89 atk dmg. from 93 atk dmg. decrease to 89 atk dmg. please kindly help  thank you

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