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Game Crashing After Login


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I keep getting error code 4049 (and even just a bugsplat style crash) after login, during the cool dragon logo before the game starts.  I have tried deleting the services from Razer and this only started happening after the most recent update/patch.  I even deleted GameGuard and Edited the use chroma to "n"  


What can I do?

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Implemented a preventive fix for the Razer Chroma crash issue which should help prevent crashes and disconnections when using a Razer device  


The only workaround I found was this:

   1) Make sure in Services that the Razer Chroma SDK is running.

   2)  Launch BnS and login.  You need to get as far as the character selection screen.

   3)  Once the game is running, ALT-TAB to the Task Manager (or services) and stop the Razer Chroma SDK service from running.

   Result:  The game will continue to run without exiting after 10 or 15 minutes and you'll have hours of stability.


Also, I followed the instructions online to download an older version of the Razer SDK from http://developer.razerzone.com/chroma/download/   under "SDK Installers", which will download version Razer_Chroma_SDK_Core_v1.2.4.  I uninstalled the latest Chroma provided by the Razer tools, which was version 1.3.  GameGuard may be having a problem with 1.3 entirely -- I did NOT test the above sequence with 1.3, only with 1.2.4.   To install this, 

   1) Open Control Panel and remove Programs, remove the Razer Chroma SDK.  You may actually have to kill the SDK process and disable the service to do this.

   2)  Reboot

   3) Install the 1.2.4 version, which is older.  This may have better compatibility with GameGuard.


Now as far as the Feb 2nd, 2016 patch goes, my installer is stuck on verifying/downloading repair files, so I have not yet confirmed this sequence with the new patch. I'll follow up once I do.

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