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Game Crashing Randomly?


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I played from launch smoothly. For me personally it didn't reach me till' Saturday morning. It hit and from then on it was nothing but random crashes. 10 minutes to 1 or 2 hours then another crash.

Now from my understanding many people are suffering from this issue ways before it got to me.

I just want someone to clarify if this is the game's issue and if they are working on it? I'll just be happy it isn't my PC.


I really want to play the game but these crashes are irritating. Happening mid-arena or dungeon.

If it's the game's issue then I won't be too upset about it, I hope it's due to too many people wanting to play the game.

Update a bromie?

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Game just started crashing for me today. Played fine since the headstart and then today, out of the blue, i'm constantly crashing every few minutes with no explanation.... didn't change anything or add anything. Just came home and wanted to play as usual.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Zanydachico said:

A month later and I'm still crashing. Worse If anything. I cannot even play the game anymore. I've been patient but am losing my interest in this game I've been hyped for for soooooo damn long.

since january got this problem and no fix :"3

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