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Blade and Soul = Cheat Festival


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Well guys, what a monumental failure, this game has so much to go for, it rids the concept of holy trinity which I have ALWAYS hated in mmo because simply it never worked, it has always been a complete failure since you always wait for a tank/healer.  Dungeons are well balanced and setup so we can complete them without ever needing a tank or healer.  But...


And this is where things go down hard, this game is a complete failure on every other levels regarding it's integrity.  Bots everywhere that go in and out of dungeons and pile up ontop of each other, spammers have ruined the chat to a degree where I have disabled chat altogether, never gona see anyone talk ever again because it's insane, the moment I get online I must block/report 20 ish spammers.  So with that in mind, with the idea that you guys that bought this game and are managing this game and have probably open the doors wide for the hackers and gold sellers as this brings you side revenues and I doubt you will change anything so much that this will tone down the spam and hacking that is out of control.


But I take any other game, I notice they are HUGE variations where you see ZERO gold spam like you do in Rift and that's just one example where you see little to no spam and you see games like this one which have spam from the first instant it goes online and the spammers are offering gold right away, you get to think there is something rotten somewhere as you cannot accumulate so much gold instantly to satisfy all those little cheaters which are buying so you get to wonder why is it that some games which have WAY more people playing them have little to no gold spam and why others are... strangely wide open for them and worse is this game has a option in setting to prevent spam yet... doesn't make a dent.


I'll play it till I'm tired of not being able to chat and move on since I notice bots are also becoming a serious problems now in some areas so I don't think this marvelous game will last long for me.  And please remove nProtect cause this entire thing is a complete farce, if that piece of trash software is preventing anything is LEGIT players playing as it was blocking my System Explorer and stopping the game from loading.  Yes, System Explorer, a crash manager.  Another way to prove how useless and a slap in the face companies like yours dare to say they are using a anti-hack software and have more hacking than a game like Rift which DOES NOT use a anti-hack software (although they are many bots in Rift just not as visible, usually well hidden in remote areas).

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