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Problems with chapter 17


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I've been searching for a solution on the forum, and I have tried all that I have seen. But still the game gets stuck. After killing all the training npc's on that mission, the next step is talking to Old Man Cho, but when I talk to him the game gives me no way to finish the mission and I cannot continue. I have already finished all the secondary quests and farmed enough to get some levels, so I don't want to start again with another character and leave this one. Please, someone tell me what else I can do to solve it.



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Thank you so much for sending the video. I could see what was wrong with it. Now I face another situation. I don't know where to go to complete "The Call of the Warring Factions". I have seen some videos where the mission appears in Bamboo Beach, but I have searched for it and both old men aren't there. What can I do now?? Just need to find them to continue my adventure.

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