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The score system is bias.


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41 minutes ago, TxSilverxT said:

Had a match yesterday me, 26 dest, against a 44 BM and the moment the timer hit 0 I killed him. Unfortunately instead of it counting as a K.O for me the system didn't catch it in time and went into tallying points. He won by points even though he died. I was pretty angry lol now if he had lived then yea I wouldn't be angry.   


I'm going to guess that the timer wore out just before you killed him and he died to some sort of residual bleed damage. It's unfortunate and undoubtedly frustrating to lose like this but it is working as intended.

I haven't lost in exactly that fashion, but I've certainly lost matches while in the middle of a combo that would have killed my opponent.  I've also won a match where I killed my opponent then died afterwords to their residual damage, I'm sure my opponent was frustrated by that.


The situations created can be frustrating but they are entirely fair, the system is consistent.


10 minutes ago, YEEART said:

I don't see how you guys are helping your case. It's clearly biased as it favours towards those who have access to high damage dealing skills, or just deal high damage in general. It doesn't favour the defensive type players.

Who doesn't have access to high damage dealing skills is what I'm asking?  I'll repeat myself for a third and final time, every class is very capable of doing enough damage to win a round before time or win a round based on doing more damage at time.  

You are correct that the system doesn't favor defensive play, it favors players who capitalize on opportunities.  The thing is it is possible to create this opportunities with either defensive or aggressive play, but when you get them you need to make the most of them.  A defensive player should be playing to set up a situation where he manages to catch an aggressive player doing something unsafe then punish him for it.  This is a viable and used strategy, just once you get the opening you don't immediately give it up and go back to turtleing, you push your advantage.  Once the situtation has been reset to neutral you're welcome to go back to defensive play.


Realistically though every player needs to be able to balance being aggressive and defensive.  The situation changes during the fight based on health percentages, positioning, and which cooldowns are available to each player.  Skilled players will be able to recognize the various situations and alternate between aggressive and defensive depending on which is optimal in the current situation.

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I'm not stating that classes fail to have the ability to deal massive damage, rather, how certain classes create the opportunity to deal the damage. Further continuing this line of thinking will inevitable lead to the issue being with the class, which is something I want to avoid.


KFM's have 2 (3 logically, but SS can't be used while stunned or dazed) escape spells. Once we exhaust them, we're completely exposed to daze and stun attacks (since they nullify counter). Think about the amount of damage Destroyers, Blade Dancers and Assassins can do while we wait for the cool down? No doubt, much higher than the others. This leads me onto play defensive - pinning down the enemy and healing them through grapple.

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8 minutes ago, YEEART said:

I'm not stating that classes fail to have the ability to deal massive damage, rather, how certain classes create the opportunity to deal the damage. Further continuing this line of thinking will inevitable lead to the issue being with the class, which is something I want to avoid.


KFM's have 2 (3 logically, but SS can't be used while stunned or dazed) escape spells. Once we exhaust them, we're completely exposed to daze and stun attacks (since they nullify counter). Think about the amount of damage Destroyers, Blade Dancers and Assassins can do while we wait for the cool down? No doubt, much higher than the others. This leads me onto play defensive - pinning down the enemy and healing them through grapple.

You're right to be playing carefully when you know you don't have an escape, that's good. What you're missing though is that the exact same though process could be applied to any of the other classes when talking about KFM.  They also have limited numbers of escapes, that when exhausted literally allow a KFM to do a combo that can kill them from 100% HP.  The thing is for some reason you think those classes are capable of doing more damage in the period that you have no escapes up, but they're not.  Every class is capable of killing you, or very close to it, if they catch you without an escape.


The fact that you don't realzie this tells me you're not extremely experienced. KFM's are notorious for catching people without escapes and killing them off a single combo.  Spend some time, learn your class, learn the game, and realize that these other classes don't do more damage than you do.

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I'm not talking about KFM's specifically, but most classes in general, and how some have more influence than others when it comes down to the score system.


I just mentioned KFM's to give you guys context, also due to the fact that it's the only class I've played.

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2 minutes ago, YEEART said:

I'm not talking about KFM's specifically, but most classes in general, and how some have more influence than others when it comes down to the score system.


I just mentioned KFM's to give you guys context, also due to the fact that it's the only class I've played.

So which class do you think is heavily handicapped by this scoring system?

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Due to my lack of knowledge, I can only speculate. So judging simply based on how others play specific classes, I'd like to mention: KFM's (far too many classes counter these guys), FM's and possibly Blade Masters. Maybe summoners, assuming they don't kill you (which is rare).

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