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I have no idea what is going on as all that happens is Chain cc.


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I will give u the truth. BNS pvp RIGHT NOW is unbalanced certain matchups are very one sided (sin vs. fm BM vs summ) which makes it hard and its kinda all over the place. In 2 days itll be balanced. The thing that still stands is this: BNS pvp is very unforgiving, make 1 mistake u get stunlocked comboed like 60% hp or even die most of the time at the top ladder. Another thing its very ping based if u have very bad ping u wont be able to do as well as others and itll be much harder to win certain matches. Tips i can give are know ur class ins and outs, know other classes well if u plan to go high know then like the back of ur hand and what certain moves do and the tendencies that they have. Learn from being beat dont rage like half the ppl on this forum. cause most of the time if they lose its their fault (barring bots). Practice makes perfect theres a lotta pros u can ask for help with

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The hilarity of this post is that BD actually has about a dozen ways to counter combos, from speccing their spin to resist all stuns and dazes to multiple resist damage bubbles. Plus, they have some of the best combos in the game available to them.


Should probably play more than 5 games in your life before you start complaining about pvp.

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