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[DISCUSSION] Queue of the most used servers


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Hello everybody. 
I've been playing B&S for almost a week now and I'm loving it so far.

However I think that the queue is an issue that should be solved as fast as possible. I enjoy to play with a lot of people, that's why I choose to play on Windrest, the most used server in EU. But every time I try to log in with my character I have to wait at least one hour before I can start playing. 
That's very frustrating and it ruins the whole experience in my opinion. 
Is there a way to avoid this disservice that does not imply to be a premium member? Are NCSOFT developers trying to fix this issue? Do you have the same problem?

I apologize for my english, it's not the best.

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Your english is very good, but from what i've seen they tried introducing multiple new servers to help servers with huge queue times. Also my server had a 2 hour queue time once and the next day it was  perfect, so maybe they're also increasing server size. Ultimately just give the game more time and the queues should be better.

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I hope so, but as far as I know every server is like a "different universe". So if I made a character in Windrest, I can't play with someone that is created in another server. 
I'll probably spend a lot of time on this game so I wanna be sure that my characters are on the most popular server that at the same time are the most "alive".

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Yes, the servers are separate, but the new servers being introduced are to help your server's queue time to stray from new players joining Windrest. Also, believe your server is the most "alive" because  you have a 1 hour queue time to get on your server so don't worry about that part just hope they can lower the queues.

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