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Turning Leaf and Assassins in general


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Yo, mid level (30 currently) newbie LBM here. Been very slowly getting my head around monitoring trinkets and watching for animations (came from a predominantly WoW PvP background so none of my experience really translates), and have ran into one or two issues with Assassins.


What are my options against Turning Leaf in particular? I always seem to get caught out by it. The Assassins I've played against never seemed to get much mileage damage or pressure wise out of landing it on me, but that might just be the rating (mid 1500 atmo). Is this just something I'm expected to eat whenever I'm at range and he/she decides it's time to use it or do I have any actions I can take to avoid it?


And against Assassins overall, I've noticed that pretty much all of the ones I've played against have attempted to keep a ludicrous distance between stealths. I know that different situations call for different actions but as a guideline, should I be looking to try and rush them down and stay on the offensive, or would that be playing too hard into their kit/strategy? I would make one myself to get a feel but I've already got two 15+ characters and deleting them takes ages, reading into the class only goes so far. 


- A Tab spamming cretin. 



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