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Anybody DC's at some dung?


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I entered Tomb of The Exiles (Inferno) couple of times and it's just luck after that.. either I continue and finish it without DC or i enter > reach a certain point > unable to use any skills while other players are still moving > get DC. Now another dung. seems to give me the same issue (name: Teetering Falls / The one with the Dog boss and pots). Finished it perfectly fine yesterday, now keeps DC'ing me at SAME spot each time here: http://prntscr.com/9ws7dn
My question is : Does anyone else face the same DC issue by using Cross-Server dung.? I'm almost sure it's not my net cause I haven't dc'd while normal questing for some days now..

I sent a ticket to support, they gave me some steps like disabling some "start up" apps etc. but i still dc with cross-server option :/ ..

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