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wheres my Founders Pack?


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I purchased this.

Blade & Soul Founder's Pack: Initiate Pack
£18.99 (GBP)

15th Dec 2015 # 3082785

Didnt apply it so i could use it at the full release of that game. I had applied to my account and its not in my mail box in-game. Can i either have a refund or you give me the perks for that pack. My Characters name is Nyantaa on server Spirits Rest.


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HA! NYANTA-SAN! LOG HORIZON YUS!....also they're having problems with things ingame at the moment. You'll either see it later after they get off their collective money grubbing butts and put in some helpful lines of code. or there is a distinct chance that they could just flip a coin to decide if you deserve the item that you've spent yer money on.
Unfortunately that's a real distinct possibillity.

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13 minutes ago, CarpetSquare said:

HA! NYANTA-SAN! LOG HORIZON YUS!....also they're having problems with things ingame at the moment. You'll either see it later after they get off their collective money grubbing butts and put in some helpful lines of code. or there is a distinct chance that they could just flip a coin to decide if you deserve the item that you've spent yer money on.
Unfortunately that's a real distinct possibillity.

Im alittle fed up of these idiots. I will contact my bank and get it charged back since i paid for something i did not get.

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