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Assassin vs Summoner


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Why is it so damn impossible to beat a summoner? Literally any other class I can put up a decent fight but once it pairs me to a summoner its literally game over. I can't even get them past 60% half the time on either of the rounds. 


The amount of time the cat can be on top of me is ridiculous. If I spend time to kill the cat, the summoner just rapes me down, if I focus the summoner the cat perma holds me in place. Even though I have a multitude of abilities to escape the cat, the AoE from the summoner just knocks me out of stealth and the cycle continues until I lose the duel. 


It's extremely frustrating when 90% of the losses I have as an assassin are solely because of a particular class that I have no chance against. I have tried a bunch of different tactics and not even once have I gotten close to even winning a single round. Am I doing something wrong, or am I just doomed to a fate of forfeit to summoners wrath?

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