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The Answer to most of your "Balance Issues"


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Hi, before you make another whining thread about which class is better then you. (Probably every class, and even mirror matches tbh.) Read this.


The reason you feel weak, or like your class sucks. Can vary, lets try to find out why. And let me also say, Summoner is by far the easiest class for me to kill. I can literally kill his cat while being immune to range attacks then just troll him. (But then again most noobs rolled that class)


Anyways, the rest.


The first and MAIN reason most everyone/anyone will feel like their class is weak upon starting PvP, is because in this game prior to level 45, and even still at lvl 45, there is literally NO challenge in PvE, You might have to use a total of 2 skills the entire time. (Out of what 20-30?)


So now your lvl 45, and after killing 10,000 mobs that all had 7,000hp you feel like your a master of this game. WRONG You just finished the tutorial, and a pretty bad one I might add. The only way I learned what ANY of my class skills do was to enter E.Fleet supply chain and start doing 1v1's against bosses with 2 or 3mil hp. (I forgot, I can't kill them anyways but I did learn to survive, and what many of my other skills are meant to do)


These types of boss fights should exist every 10 levels in a solo dungeon IMO. This would require you to learn all the skills you have gained those 10 levels, as well as probably dig in to your skill tree and find out which mechanics can actually win the match.


But wait! You watched a YouTuber and you saw a post about RB LAS ASJASDKAJ SADKIAJDAISDANDNAI DADJAdjiasA DAJSDKASJDAIDJA  Ani Cancel combo, surely with that knowledge you will be an untouched god. OF COURSE NOT.


The more I play my sin, the more I realize I'm really bad at it STILL. I can basically only RMB/F people to death, and since that's all I ever needed to in PvE, I don't even know the order, the proper times etc of when my moves proc in actual combat, let alone have the ability to distinguish when to use them based on my opponents class skills.


Example, I'm spec. to web as Assassin, I barely can web anyone 2 or 3 times a match, because I'm not used to using it, don't realize the windows it opens in etc. I can read and build my skills all day, but using it effective in combat against another enemy is a lot different. The procs don't always work exactly how they read imo.


Find some hard PvE fights, and learn what the hell your skills do. Also, most of the noob complaining seem to be ranged kiting classes who expect to literally be able to lock down and kill their enemy without ever being touched, which is ridiculous.


Last point I'm going to try to make is this. NOT EVERYONE IS GOOD AT PVP IM SORRY YOUR PROBABLY NOT A PRO.


Raise your hand if you have EVER been relevant in any PvP scene, feared, respected, known, etc. (And I'm not talking about none of these youtube scrubs who constantly stream and are only beating people because they have played the game 5years longer then most of our player base)


I doubt you have, Especially not if you use the internet for gaming advice, good players don't google stat builds, we don't google rotations, we don't google combo's. We see them on our skill sheet, and with practice find out what works effectively. We don't come post for help or cry OP when we cant beat something. If you do this, your not meant to be beyond silver, your basically just there for other people to gain confidence on while climbing the ladder.


Your that Pro boxer who is technically still amateur and only allowed in the ring with us to make our records look better and attract more attention. If you want to step outside of that box, you need to stop crying and start training.



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