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My two cents


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So I just wanted to make this post to leave my two cents here about Blade and soul. Coming from the mind set of a new player. Perhaps it would help others. Perhaps it will help me understand things I don't know from reply's. Time will tell:


Blade And Soul Combat system:

So far I really have enjoy this games combat system over any other mmo i've played. I've have played a lot of them. I find myself, having a lot of fun learning combos to better myself with the game. I also find it really fun when I mess a combo up. I don't know the combat system is wonderful. Of everything this game does right or wrong, this will keep me coming back. :)


Quest System:

To be honest, it feel like it need work. Most player just skip threw them while playing. I read the story because why not, however I feel like the quest markers do not always show up. And the detail for the quest seem a bit buggy at times. Could just be me, but I find it very useless most the time.


Gear system:

This is one thing I have NO clue about at all. I really don't understand what is even going on here. I get a "Costume" that is Armor you equip. But I have a costume menu for armor that I wear as a costume. Then I have gear with stats that You just seem to consume other gear with to make it stronger? I really dont know if I'm doing anything right with my gear or not. All i've been doing is "Upgrading?" my weapon to the next stage. But for all I know maybe I'm suppose to have a different weapon. Perhaps, we only get one weapon. *Shrugs* Any tips or explanation on this would be awesome. Thanks ahead of time.



The vendor prices in the game right not, for me at level 20, seem horrendous priced. paying almost 6 silver from one health potion seems madding. or a repair tool. It blows my mind that I have only made like 3 silver in this game and those are the price for them. What happens if I run out of the "Free repair tools" i get from quest and I can't repair my broken sword? I can't afford to buy one and I can't farm mob for money because the weapons are broke. Not trying to complain, I played a ton of grinding games i'm just really confused why they cost so much


Spammers and blocking people:

So, I played Diabo 2 for a very long time. Really enjoy the game, to each his own, So that being said I'm very used to dealing/seeing gold spam. This game is as bad if not worse as Diablo 2. For anyone who played that, you know how horrible that is. However, I can only BLOCK 50 people. So I as a player of this game just trying to see useful stuff in the chat and not some re re telling me to go spend 200 bucks for money. Can do nothing to suppress this. Am I doing something wrong? Any tips in this field from anyone to deal with the spam? I'm trying to enjoy a mmo. The main idea behid a mmo is to play with people. But there is so much spam I can't even see what non-bots are saying.


Que times:

I know the game is very new, but the que times seem very high. I'm okay with waiting to play it annoying but it whatever. But what gets me about this is to simple fact one There is no AFK auto kick. Two, Gold spammers. These two things may not seem like a big deal with ques but if nobody in the game gets kick from afking then why ever log out? Why not just go to bed leave it running and then you never have to deal with que times. On top of that what if  the server is 35% gold spammers? This cost the company money to provide more servers for us to play. Which I understand the idea behide it. "Just go play on another server" But my friends play on this server, and we can transfer or, i dont see a option to do so. Anyways the point of this is that I think if they would ban bot more often then it would save them money on server cost, by allowing more players to log in faster and server not being full of bots.


Other thoughts:

I wish the game would have a page I can look at for each class to go back over the combo after I have learned them. If there is one I cannot find it lol. But sometimes I forgot what the "Way of the assassin quest line" teaches me and would just like to be able to review the stuff.



All in all I'm really enjoying this game so far, having a lot of fun with the combat system. Still a lot of thing I don't know or understand. But if anyone would like to share their 2 cents or teach me the things I don't know here is a thanks a head of time.



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