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BnS Crash Report Help


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After playing the game for around 5-15 minutes, the game just crashes and shows a crash report message which says:



An error has occurred in your Blade_Soul client.

An error report has been made regarding the status of the installed Blade & Soul client, you hardware configuration, the DLL list loaded to the memory and data relevant to other client errors. 

Do you want to send this report to NCSOFT?


Anyone know how to fix this?

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Hello i Just fix this!!!
is really simple.
1. Go to Graphics in Game-->Advanced Settings and unclick the Auto Options.
Also If u have any razer go to task manager and press end task at every razer program running 

Do those 2 steps and u will never crash again!

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Okay, I found out a way to skip this problem.

The loading screens will only appear when you enter without preloading it.


So you can just stand still in the entrance, 2 meters or so away from the portal, and the game will start loading the next map. Stand there for 30~50 seconds and you will not have any problem just going the next map, without any loading screen.

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On 28.1.2016 at 6:25 PM, LynnLynn said:

I am getting an game error too. But it starts from the launcher. It fixed itself after i did a few file repairs but now it wont go passed the game emblem..*flails* ragh! i paid for the pack too. I'm wasting my 30 day status


Exactly the same problem here.

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Uptade your VGA drivers.... this could help.... but i'm still getting "An error report has been made regarding the status of the installed Blade & Soul client, you hardware configuration, the DLL list loaded to the memory and data relevant to other client errors. 



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16 hours ago, Farias said:

Uptade your VGA drivers.... this could help.... but i'm still getting "An error report has been made regarding the status of the installed Blade & Soul client, you hardware configuration, the DLL list loaded to the memory and data relevant to other client errors. 



I've same problem. I hope, a solution has found.

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