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#150 to #100 in 2 hours....


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Sitting here in a queue of #150 since the servers came back up. Now down to #100.


You're telling me in just under two hours, i've only moved 50 slots, meanwhile there are 1000 reg / 1000 premium still waiting to get in?


Do we have any statistics on server capacity? 


AFK timer needs to be reduced to 15 mins - 30 mins. Whatever it is right now is way too long. Also the amount of bots in queue and on server is unknown but has to be a serious amount. 

Looks like having premium right now isn't even doing anything - id be upset if I had paid for it.


This is nearly going on a week here and problems don't seem to be getting any better. I realize hype will die down dramatically but right now, 2 hours to move 50 slots, meanwhile there are a thousand plus other people waiting, doesnt seem like hype is instantly going to dissapate going into the second or even the third week. Server capacity needs to be dealt with (seeing as how you're just milking people for cash) or release even more servers with FREE SERVER TRANSFERS to lighten the load and distribute the population you mupps. 


I've been in enough launches, and while I wouldn't call this disastrous.... this launch seems to be doing the least amount of remediation to alleviate the problem. I've no problem waiting either, but at this point it just seems dire to be honest...

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