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Cross Server Trade System. DO IT!

Fenrir Night

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After a couple emails with the NCSoft BnS support team I think I can safely assume that the NA & EU team can only do so much. This is most likely old news but it raises a few other questions.

- What is the extent of the NA/EU teams ability to change the functionality of the game?
- And if it's as limited as I'm assuming, does NCSoft's Team Bloodlust pay attention to the changes that we in NA/EU request for our regions (if not world wide)?
- Would they even consider making those changes?
In the emails I sent to the support team I asked about server transfers and requested changes that would in theory balance out the server populations better, because waiting to play a cool game sucks.
Cross-Server Mailing/Trading/Market System (CSMTMS) is what I requested. Seeing as how there is a Cross-Server Dungeon System I figure that it would be easily doable (even if it took some time), provided that they have the permission and ability to do so. The "Mailing" part is by far the most important because this would allow players to support their characters in different servers so that if one does decide to start a character in another server for what ever reason they would not have to start from scratch.
Other benefits include, but are not limited to:
- Character to Character Support
- More player to player interactions
- Playing with and helping out non-premium member friends
- Players are not force to choose between waiting 5-10 (non-premium) hours or starting over (especially if they got far in the game)
- Lower Queue Times = More players enjoying the game = happier customers for NCSoft
I'd like to know if Team Bloodlust, assuming they are the only ones that can make changes like this to the game, has ever considered this. If so, why has this not been implemented and if not is this something that they would do?
If this forum isn't enough for them to see that there is a demand for this how else can they get this message?
It's more than fair to say that Blade and Soul for NA/EU is currently having difficulties, so the best way to work around them is to share (hopefully good) ideas with those that can make those improvements.
If any of you players and NCSoft employees alike have answers to any of these questions please share. Ideas, Comments and additional questions are most welcome. Trolling... well, not much you can do with uselessness can you.
In all seriousness Ideas, Comments, Questions, Answers, please.
Thank you
And for anyone wondering, I was a Beta Tester and am currently a Premium Member and plan on keeping it that way.
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