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Missing Levels


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I went on B&S today to get into queue, but i noticed that i went down by 4 levels, was lvl 30 last time but it displays it as lvl 26

Although i havent been in game yet i was wondering if this effects my in game characters lvl
anyone have any ideas why this happens? 

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FFS. Same. According to the launcher I lost 5 levels and my outfit, which I assume means I also lost the progress I made on quests, PvP, crafting, and gear acquisition I made yesterday as well (had grinded out most of the Diva set...). Seriously, that was like 8-9 hours of work yesterday. What the hell?

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1 hour ago, Glints said:

I have the same issue as well. I went from 42 to 37. Also still in queue, so hopefully I didn't actually lose all that progress


UPDATE: I got in and my level is still where I left off at 42. Must have been a bug or something


Yeah, just saw this in the 'Incorrect Level?' thread. Hopefully it's true across the board. 

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I have the same problem I raised a blade dancer today of level 1 to level 18 I disconnect the server for the maintenance and now I connect and my pj now is a level 1. That we lost the progress it was during the problem of the server and his restart 

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