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My suggestion on how they should change the questing system/some other stuff


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Let's face it this questing system is just like all the others, even with friends its still boring and takes a while, personally me and my friends don't want to get bogged down with the boring parts of the game so this thread is suggestions made by me, i know ill probably get some heat for this but it's my personal opinions man, but i'd love to hear your opinions as well!


1. When questing with friends we shouldn't all have talk to the same people separately, this obviously slows down the process and its painful when a friend forgets to accept a quest and we have to wait for them, it should only take 1 person to accept the quest/grab quest rewards for the whole group, if this was added in it would also provide players with more reasons to partner up and make a stronger community overall


2. When questing with friends the AOE circumstance for the objective being progressed should be increased, this way a partner could go and do different quests but still gain the rewards of his partner doing a different quest, obviously the AOE shouldn't be the whole world but it should be as big as the current area they are in, this would speed up the process so we can have more fun doing other things


3. Real life games such as checkers should be added into the game, they should have daily tournaments that give out prizes to the top 3 players, each mini game should have their own elo system too, and their should be 3 huge tournaments each year for every mini game, this way players who may be really good at chess in real life can use their skills to reap huge rewards from in game


4. Love how theirs jumping and stuff but i haven't seen any parkour areas, it would be cool to include parkour into the game which has very nice smooth movements


5. single player instance area's are a drag, but you should keep them for players who don't want to be partnered up but for the players that are partnered up they should have a team instance instead


welp that's about it, thoughts, suggestions, ect?

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