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Way of Assassin part 3?


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Okay, so I'm a n00b and color me stupid but this training session DOES NOT WORK. The "Practice Decoy [2] Cyclone Sweep [1] Flash Kick [Tab] on Summoned King Giganura is complete fail. If I try it when he's sitting in the ring waiting, then he doesn't notice the [2] so when I do [1] the [Tab] action isn't triggered and can't be done. If I get his attention first and then do [2], [1] either isn't possible (the toxic green smog screws with them? I don't know) or simply doesn't do anything, and again, [Tab] isn't able to be triggered. I'm sure I managed to get it to trigger once, somehow, but for whatever reason that wasn't even counted and so I am still at 0/3 on the progress. And obviously, the training sessions need to be completed. 


Help please?! How the frack am I supposed to complete this combo on him?!

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